Surgical Tools & Supplies Feature Articles

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Peripheral arterial disease 'catastrophic' for dialysis patients
Millions of people world-wide who suffer from end-stage kidney disease have to wrestle with a multitude of complicated lifestyle changes once they are on dialysis, but the additional ...
Tired doctors are facing intense pressure in Western Australia
WA hospital doctors are working excessively long hours and being pushed to dangerous levels of fatigue, the AMA(WA) has warned.
Report shows that breast cancer rates up, but survival improving
While the incidence of breast cancer continues to rise, more Australian women are surviving the disease than ever before, according to the latest national report on breast cancer ...
Australian research hope for people living with spinal cord injury
Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks, has announced Victorian Government funding for an Australian-first research that could revolutionise the lives of people living with spinal cord ...
Model predicts inheritable genetic defects with colon cancer
Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University and other institutions have developed a new prediction model for genetic defects known as Lynch syndrome, which predisposes families to ...
Health spending in Australia has grown from 10% to $87 billion
Health expenditure in Australia was $87.3 billion in 2004-05, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Perth researchers have found the answer to liver transplants
Two medical researchers from Perth have returned home after telling the world’s leading scientists at a USA conference of their work that could potentially end the need for liver ...
Elective surgery waiting list not as good as Government claims
AMA Victoria President Dr Mark Yates said the State Government’s latest elective surgery waiting list figures were not as healthy as the State Government had indicated.
Sentinel Event program makes healthcare in WA even safer
New safety procedures are having a major impact in reducing the number of serious health care incidents in Western Australian hospitals, according to a Department of Health report.
Australia's Gold Coast to host 2009 World Transplant Games
Australia's Gold Coast has again proven to be unbeatable - this time winning the international race to host the 2009 World Transplant Games, Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has ...
Breast stem cells have features similar to ‘basal’ tumours
The most aggressive form of breast cancer may originate from breast stem cells that have undergone genetic mishaps
Study proves safety of spinal cord stem cell transplantation
Transplanting human embryonic stem cells does not cause harm and can be used as a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of acute spinal cord injury, according to a recent stufy by ...
Virtual reality system for training practice of ear surgery
The CSIRO ICT Centre, Medic Vision Pty Ltd and the University of Melbourne have signed an agreement for the commercial development of a virtual reality (VR) system for teaching ...
Tomorrow’s ‘New Medicine’ touted as a bionic revolution
As modern lifestyles and an ageing population cause a rapid decline in our health, Bio3, a futuristic initiative of the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Medicine is bringing new ...
Genetic parallels between lung development and lung cancer
For over 100 years, biologists have speculated that cancer growth shares common features with embryonic development. Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston now provide solid ...
Australian breakthrough in heart tissue engineering
The Treasurer has announced a major breakthrough for international medical science in the field of tissue engineering by an Australian Research Institute.
New scoring system predicts gastric bypass surgery risk
Duke University Medical Center surgeons have developed a simple scoring system based on five patient characteristics that can predict which candidates for gastric bypass surgery ...
Australian researchers perform cell surgery via Internet
In an effort to combine sophisticated laser and Internet technologies, scientists in Australia have successfully performed laser surgery and "optical trapping" in a Southern California ...
Australia's medical devices respected around the world
Australia’s medical device industry is an exemplary model of research and commercialisation, a wealth of opportunity for investment and international collaboration, writes
Fibre-optic catheter eases the hard swallow
A tiny fibre-optic catheter that detects swallowing abnormalities in a far less intrusive way has been invented by CSIRO.
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