Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Want a healthy brain? Scientists say, go for a run
Physical exercise is just as important as cognitive exercise when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain, according to a new University of Queensland study released recently.
Cracking the cause of a common bladder condition
A team of Flinders University researchers is trying to find the underlying cause of bladder overactivity, in the hope of developing a therapy before the problem becomes more prevalent. ...
Those with disabilites on the outside of virtual worlds
An ARC-funded project exploring isolation, illness and the internet suggests online virtual worlds can offer support for isolated individuals suffering disabilities – but accessibility ...
We need to talk about dying: opinion
As an intensive care physician I’m increasingly confronted with managing patients who are at the end of their life.
Computer science helping the aged stay home
University of Adelaide computer scientists are leading a project to develop novel sensor systems to help older people keep living independently and safely in their own homes.
How healthy are our nurses?
There are about 270,000 nurses working in Australia but little is known about their health and wellbeing and how it can impact patient care.
Shutting down: good night's snooze a web click away
Do insomniacs dream of electric sleep?
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Funding cuts will derail Australia's research competitiveness
Cuts to University research funding, announced by the Federal Government will impact on Australia’s research competitiveness and ability to help the community address major social ...
A new approach to deadly influenza outbreaks in nursing homes
In developed countries people over 65 years old are the most likely to die from an influenza outbreak and people in nursing homes, where the virus is difficult to control, are ...
Researchers closer to controlling inflammation in MS
A University of Adelaide researcher has published results that suggest a possible new mechanism to control multiple sclerosis (MS).
The battle diggers face after war
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Australian troops, withdrawal from Afghanistan will simply bring a new battle - with mental illness.
Depression: experts outline innovative approaches
Depression can be a stubborn problem — at least one in three patients fail to respond to proven therapies — and experts in the field have put their heads together to outline practical ...
Bottled beverage sales expected to grow despite call for bans
Health experts across the United States and Australia have highlighted soft drinks as one of the culprits for their places as the first and second ranking countries respectively in ...
Infectious disease risk low priority for Australian travellers
New research led by the University of Sydney's Family Medicine Research Centre reveals many Australians are inadequately protecting against potentially serious infectious diseases ...
Anti-cancer traits found in faba beans: research
Anti-cancer properties have been found in extracts from Australian-grown faba beans, along with effects that may have implications for treating hypertension and maintaining healthy ...
Study finds most children eat four times the daily salt limit
A Deakin University study has found seven in ten children are eating more than the recommended upper limit of salt each day, putting their health at serious risk.
What if your antibiotics didn't work?
Experts call for simple measures to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance.
Heat waves and cold spells cut life expectancy
Brisbane people collectively lost 45 years of life each day the temperature was 32 degrees, a new analysis of an eight-year period of mean daily temperature and deaths from cardiovascular ...
Chronic diseases more prevalent in city than country
Ageing Australian city-dwellers are more likely to suffer from non-infectious chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer and asthma than their rural counterparts, ...
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