Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Exposure to air pollution linked to "uncontrolled" asthma
Long term exposure to air pollution is strongly linked to uncontrolled asthma, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets reduce tumor growth
Eating a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet may reduce the risk of cancer and slow the growth of tumors already present, according to a study published in Cancer Research, a journal ...
Antibody-guided drug works against leukemia
An antibody packaged with a potent chemotherapy drug to selectively destroy acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells eradicated or greatly reduced the disease for 61 percent of 46 ...
Cancer vaccine shows improved response rate
A vaccine for one of the most lethal cancers, advanced melanoma, has improved response rate and progression-free survival for patients when combined with the immunotherapy drug ...
Overcoming resistance to breast cancer treatment
A pioneering expert in Medical Oncology at The University of Nottingham is to carry out a year-long study to find out why breast cancer treatments may stop working in some patients. ...
Geneticists' role in reducing obesity epidemic
Half of Australia’s population is now either obese or overweight, costing the country around $58 billion a year.
Scientists can weaken lung cancer
Australian scientists have worked out a way of weakening lung cancer, the most deadly form of the disease in the country.
"Excessive" doses of thyroid drugs lead to fracture risks
Many older adults may be taking "excessive" doses of drugs for thyroid problems which can lead to an increased risk of fractures, finds a study published on
Reducing risk of renal failure in obese patients
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drug, ramipril, is particularly effective in lowering the risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in obese patients, according to a ...
Clot risks of oral contraceptive pills
Two studies published on today add to emerging evidence that certain types of oral contraceptive pill carry a higher risk of serious blood clots (known as venous thromboembolism). ...
Blood test could predict metastasis risk in Melanoma
Scientists at Yale University have identified a set of plasma biomarkers that could reasonably predict the risk of metastasis among patients with melanoma, according to findings ...
One in ten Aussie kids unable to perceive the tastes of food
The prevalence of taste disorders in Australian children could be three times above the level defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a major public health crisis, new ...
Artificial pancreas may improve overnight diabetes control
Two small randomised trials published on suggest that closed loop insulin delivery (also known as an artificial pancreas) may improve overnight blood glucose control and ...
Strawberries may slow esophageal precancerous growth
Freeze-dried strawberries may be an alternative to drugs for the prevention of esophageal cancer, according to research presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011.
New gene breakthrough in alcohol use
International researchers, including a team from Queensland, may have identified a gene that appears to regulate how much alcohol people drink.
Epileptic seizures linked to risk of brain tumour
Epileptic seizures can precede the development of a subsequent brain tumour by many years, suggests research published online in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. ...
Digoxin a possible treatment for prostate cancer
Scientists have identified digoxin as a possible therapy for prostate cancer, using a combination of laboratory science and epidemiology that is unprecedented in its cooperative ...
Aspirin may lower the risk of pancreatic cancer
The use of aspirin at least once per month is associated with a significant decrease in pancreatic cancer risk, according to results of a large case-control study presented at the ...
New perspectives on cancer & the immune system
Three CRI scientists describe immunity’s paradoxical role in the promotion and control of cancer.
No room for complacency with HIV
People with HIV may be living longer thanks to effective drug treatments but an unintended consequence could be a false sense of confidence that the disease has been beaten.
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