Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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New diagnostic test for motor neurone disease
NeuRA researchers are one step closer to developing a diagnostic test for motor neurone disease.
Cancer drug found hiding in sunflower seed protein
UQ scientists have found sunflower proteins and their processing machinery are hijacked to make rogue protein rings in a discovery that could open the door to cheaper, plant-based ...
Cervical cancer vaccine causing confusion
The public 'recruitment' campaign promoting the new cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil has done little to educate adolescent girls about the cause of the cancer, University of Sydney ...
Overcoming breast cancer resistance to Herceptin
Breast cancer tumors take numerous paths to resist the targeted drug Herceptin, but a single roadblock at a crucial crossroads may restore a tumor's vulnerability to treatment, ...
Heavy drinking not linked to oesophageal cancer
Heavy drinking is not associated with one of the two most common types of gullet (oesophageal) cancer, suggests research published online in Gut.
Cell component involved in cat allergy identified
A breakthrough by scientists at The University of Nottingham could provide hope for any allergy sufferers who have ever had to choose between their health and their household pet.
High levels of "good" cholesterol may cut bowel cancer risk
High levels of “good” (high density lipoprotein) HDL cholesterol seem to cut the risk of bowel cancer, suggests research published online in Gut.
Obesity may increase risk of triple-negative breast cancer
New findings published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, confirm the risk of breast cancer among women who ...
Breast cancer survivors need regular checks
The results of a cohort study of women with a personal history of breast cancer published in this week's Journal of American Medical Association highlights the need for mammograms ...
A ‘smart bomb’ to eradicate the root of cancer cells.
Deakin University medical scientists have created the world’s first cancer stem cell-targeting chemical missile, placing them a step closer to creating a medical ‘smart bomb’ that ...
‘Fat’ kids from diabetic mums
Children born of mums with gestational diabetes will tend to become fat, say Sydney scientists, and the worse mum’s sugar levels during pregnancy, the fatter they will be.
Gene's mutations play a major role in causing kidney failure
Mutations in a gene called INF2 are by far the most common cause of a dominantly inherited condition that leads to kidney failure, according to a study appearing in the Journal of ...
Thermostatic mixer valves could reduce scalding in children
Using a thermostatic mixer valve to control the maximum temperature of children’s bath water can significantly reduce the temperature of hot bath water and should reduce the risk of ...
School milk lowers cancer risks
Scientists at the University of Otago have found that regular consumption of school milk significantly reduced the risk of bowel cancer in adulthood.
Scientists bring cancer cells back under control
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have brought cancer cells back under normal control — by reactivating their cancer suppressor genes.
Urine tests for OCD  1/11/2011
Urine tests for OCD
Researchers from the Centenary Institute have identified gene mutations that impair kidney function leading to a rare kidney disorder known as dicarboxylic aminoaciduria (DA).
Estrogen may help precancerous cells spread in oral cavity
Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer and is on the rise in some demographic groups, including young women without any known risk factors.
Folate levels linked to silenced tumor-suppressors
People with higher levels of folate in their red blood cells were more likely to have two tumor-suppressing genes shut down by methylation, a chemical off switch for genes, researchers ...
Eat your veggies, reward your kidneys
Phosphorous levels plummet in kidney disease patients who stick to a vegetarian diet, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American ...
Don't sell your skeleton short
An international bone expert has urged teenagers not to sell their skeleton short, and pay attention to the amount of calcium they are consuming.
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