Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Study finds cancer anomaly
New Zealand has different patterns of testicular cancer occurrence compared to the rest of the developed world, particularly in relation to ethnicity, but also socio-economic status ...
Depression riskier for older men
Lead author, Professor Osvaldo Almeida, Research Director of the Western Australian Centre for Health and Ageing at The University of Western Australia, said the finding was surprising ...
Tests predict Parkinson's falls
A group of tests may help predict which people with Parkinson's disease are more likely to fall, according to a study by Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Faulty gene distorts reality
Western Australian patients have helped local researchers discover a new genetic link for schizophrenia.
Brain activity predicts autism
A potential tool in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders has been revealed with Swinburne researchers demonstrating that markers for autistic tendency can be seen in an ...
Herpes vaccine one step closer
The paper is published in the Journal of Immunology. Lead investigator, Associate Professor Cheryl Jones said HSV was a medically-significant virus that caused devastating disease ...
New insulin survives warmth
A young Monash University chemist and her colleagues have successfully strengthened insulin's chemical structure without affecting its activity. Their new insulin won't require ...
New approach blocks malaria
New treatments for malaria are possible after Walter and Eliza Hall Institute scientists found that molecules similar to the blood-thinning drug heparin can stop malaria from infecting ...
Swine flu spreads in planes
New research by the University of Otago, Wellington confirms that there is a small but measurable risk of contracting pandemic influenza A/H1N1 virus, or swine flu, during long-haul ...
Mismatched organs not rejected
A breakthrough into understanding why organs are rejected after transplant has won Victorian medical researcher Dr Julia Archbold the 2010 Premier’s Award for Health and Medical ...
Where are AUS's missing hepatitis C cases?
Around 90% of those infected have not received treatment, despite the potential for cure, a report released to coincide with National Hepatitis Week shows.
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Call for national strategy on sexual & reproductive health
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) is calling for the development of a national strategy on sexual and reproductive health to reduce soaring rates of sexually ...
Insomnia linked to brain trauma
A team of researchers from Monash University's School of Psychology and Psychiatry measured in a laboratory setting the sleep of 23 patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with ...
Baby blood holds allergy clue
A simple blood test can now predict whether newborn babies are at high risk of developing allergies as they grow older, thanks to research involving the University of Adelaide.
Skin colour blindness common
New University of Otago research has found that people over a range of different skin colours tend to overestimate the darkness of their natural, non-tanned skin.
Heart benefit found for Fibrates
New analysis to guide better treatment of heart disease.
Distracted doctors forget tasks
Emergency doctors complete interrupted tasks in a shorter time than uninterrupted tasks and fail to return to 18.5 per cent of interrupted tasks, according to a study by the University ...
Rare disease harms immunity
Australian researchers have uncovered facts that take us a step closer towards understanding Prader-Willi Syndrome, a harrowing genetic disorder that causes insatiable appetite for ...
Protein boost restores insulin
Australian scientists propose that a drug, already being used to treat rare inherited disorders, may also help people with Type 2 diabetes.
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