Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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No benefit for liberal blood transfusion after hip surgery: study
A liberal strategy for providing red blood cell transfusions following hip-fracture surgery to patients at risk for cardiovascular disease neither lowered their post-surgical risk ...
New sugar to treat type-1 diabetes
Researchers from The Australian National University have discovered a new treatment for type-1 diabetes – an autoimmune disease which currently affects some 130,000 Australians.
New ink formulation enables nerve cell regeneration
Researchers at the University of Wollongong’s have developed a new ink formulation that can be used to print surfaces that enable nerve cell regeneration.
Affordable treatments for sufferers of autoimmune diseases
From Addison’s disease to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s disease to Multiple Sclerosis — the list of crippling autoimmune diseases is long and they affect millions of people world-wide. ...
Simple test to help diagnose bowel and pancreatic cancer
A simple online calculator could offer family GPs a powerful new tool in tackling two of the most deadly forms of cancer, say researchers.
New study supports claim that breast screening is harmful
A new study published recently on supports the claim that the introduction of breast cancer screening in the UK may have caused more harm than good.
Vaccine hope for Alzheimer's disease
A vaccine that slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia has been developed by researchers at the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Research ...
Research advances breast reconstruction
Breast reconstruction surgery will become both safer and more realistic thanks to research led by Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Wound healing genomes in blood identified
QIMR researchers, as part of an international study led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute UK, have identified 68 regions in the genome that affect blood platelet formation, ...
Common bone drug may extend life of replacement joints
People who take bisphosphonates after joint replacement surgery are less likely to need a repeat operation, finds a new study published on
Stem cell discovery could help mend hearts
Researchers have discovered a new population of adult stem cells in the heart, which could augment the development of new regeneration and repair therapies for people who have suffered ...
New hip implants no better than traditional ones
New hip implants appear to have no advantage over traditional implants, suggests a review of the evidence published on
Study to probe medical treatment levels for dying patients
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) will undertake a study into why futile medical treatment is, at times, provided to dying patients.
Award-winning continuity of care
A program making the transfer of elderly patients from hospital to residential care facilities safer has been lauded at the 2011 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards.
Corticosteroid treatment outcomes for wheezing children
Giving daily low doses of an inhaled corticosteroid to preschool-age children who have recurrent wheezing and are at risk for developing asthma does no better than intermittent high ...
New technology to diagnose depression
Patients with depression will be able to monitor their mental health using a computer as easily as those with diabetes can manage their condition thanks to new research presented at ...
Health supplement offers hope for muscular dystrophy treatment
A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows.
Simple night time airflow control device eases asthma symptoms
A simple device that filters out airborne asthma triggers during sleep can ease persistent symptoms of the condition during the day and improve quality of life, suggests research ...
ADHD kids need individualised treatment
New research from The Australian National University is providing strong support for individualised assessment and treatment for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ...
'Silver bullets' to disinfect implants and medical devices
Infections are winning the health war in Australian hospitals, but researchers may have found a "silver bullet’’ in the shape of specially designed protective surfaces for implants ...
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