Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Immune system may impact tumor blood supply
Scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute may have uncovered a mechanism for blocking tumour angiogenesis that involves the patient’s immune system, according to findings ...
Speedier test for tuberculosis
The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed a new and novel rapid test for tuberculosis (TB) which could provide an accurate diagnosis for many patients in about 100 minutes ...
Protein affects breast cancer severity
A nationwide team of researchers, led by Dr Clare Fedele and Prof Christina Mitchell at Monash University, has made a significant discovery in breast cancer research that identifies ...
Blood affects stem cell growth
A new study by researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute has shown that mature blood cells can communicate with, and influence the behaviour of, their stem cell ‘parents’.
Genes for lung diseases
As part of an international study that looked at the genotyping of more than 32,000 people - 4,350 of them from the Busselton area - researchers at The University of Western Australia ...
Drug to rid cancer irreversibly
Drug-resistance is a major obstacle in curing ovarian cancer but new research from the Centenary Institute has discovered a treatment that kills ovarian cancer cells in a new way ...
New stem cell line for diabetes
Australian researchers have developed the country's first diabetes specific stem cell line, a major advance for patients suffering from the chronic disease.
Vitamin E for prostate cancer
Survival rates of the world's most common cancer might soon be increased with a new vitamin E treatment which could significantly reduce tumour regrowth.
Immunity's quality control
An Australian team of scientists has uncovered a quality control mechanism that must take place for our immune system to subsequently effectively destroy harmful viruses and bacteria. ...
IVF selects healthiest embryos
The study conducted by the University of Melbourne and Repromed will be presented at the Fertility Society of Australia annual scientific meeting at the Adelaide Convention Centre ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
'Fog' helps fight weight gain
The Friends of GATA may sound like a social support group but a new study reveals that they are a very different kind of support act – they are proteins that play a previously unknown ...
Gene sets hepatitis C treatment
Genetic fingerprinting may predict who will benefit from early hepatitis C treatment and who will clear the virus spontaneously, new research shows.
Antibody alters anthrax toxin
University of Auckland scientists have made an important discovery about how an antibody against the anthrax toxin works, and their findings may have implications for vaccine ...
Blocking the malaria 'burglar'
Development of an effective vaccine for malaria is a step closer following identification of a key pathway used by the malaria parasite to infect human cells.
Solving the HIV puzzle
Melbourne researchers have made a major discovery in the fight against HIV leading to the possibility of an eventual cure.
Genes determines heart health
A gene network behind hardening of the arteries and coronary heart disease has been identified by a team of scientists from Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom. Their findings ...
Superbowl drug from radicals
Scientists from The Australian National University have developed a 'Superbowl' drug delivery system that promises more accurate doses of drugs with fewer side effects.
Amphetamine ices our brains
New WA research has revealed that one in five young people seeking emergency medical attention related to amphetamine drug use in a recent study had abnormalities on brain scans.
Independent reviews of new type 2 diabetes medicines
People with type 2 diabetes can find independent reviews of two new blood glucose lowering medicines in the latest edition of Medicine Update, a newsletter published by NPS – better ...
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