Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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High earners less generous
Australians like to pride themselves on giving money to those in need, but what motivates us to part with our hard-earned to help others?
Hormones could fight cancer
Researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have discovered that breast stem cells are exquisitely sensitive to the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, a finding that ...
Research push to tackle rising incidence of brain tumours
Australia's first research group dedicated to tackling the rising incidence of brain tumours has been established at the University of New South Wales, following a $2.3 million ...
Diamonds emit blinking light
A team of researchers, led by Macquarie University Associate Professor James Rabeau, have discovered that the properties of light emitted from tiny isolated nano-diamonds are completely ...
Post-pregnancy cancer riskier
Women diagnosed with breast cancer in the 12 months after pregnancy are 48 per cent more likely to die than other young women with breast cancer, according to research led by The ...
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
Brain estrogen shows promise as schizophrenia treatment
An estrogenic drug that influences neurotransmitter and neuronal systems in the brain is showing promise as an effective therapy for women who suffer from schizophrenia.
Engineers design pill that signals it has been swallowed
Call them tattletale pills. Seeking a way to confirm that patients have taken their medication, University of Florida engineering researchers have added a tiny microchip and digestible ...
CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
Healthy eating plan developed
The only eating disorder prevention program in the world to show long-term success when trialled on early teenagers has just been released by the Flinders University School of ...
Infertility increases a man's risk of prostate cancer
Infertile men have an increased risk of developing high grade prostate cancer, which is more likely to grow and spread quickly.
Children with autistic traits remain undiagnosed
There has been a major increase in the incidence of autism over the last twenty years.
Older non-smokers gain most from tobacco ban
Older people who have never smoked benefit most from smoking bans, a study suggests.
Telling stories, saving lives
The story begins with a young student who is curious about a mysterious and deadly virus. A scientist appears, and he and the student enter a space ship. Shrunken to a miniscule size ...
Can a piece of thread save a life?
A discovery by Monash University scientists could see humble cotton thread emerge as a core material in low-cost 'lab-on-chip' devices capable of detecting diseases such as kidney ...
The healing history  3/15/2010
The healing history
Peter Pinnington has been working in Indigenous health and education for over thirty years.
Tumours may respond to extreme and moderate heat
Aided by ultrasound guidance, treating tumours with extreme heat or moderate heat may provide a possible therapeutic option, according to early research presented at the second AACR ...
Drug interactions with St John's wort
The clinical significance of drug interactions with Hypericum perforatum (St John's wort, SJW) depends on the type of St John's wort product used.
Health reforms fail to address aged care
Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) has welcomed the Prime Minister’s launch of the 'National Health and Hospitals Network' though expressed concern that the reform agenda fails ...
Benefits of making your business look good to society
If you want to turn a profit, you've got to win over the approval of society. Bad business behaviour or unethical practices promote a questionable reputation and puts a definitive ...
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