Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Falls cause 80% of nursing home deaths: study
The first comprehensive study into injury related or premature deaths of residents in nursing homes has found that more than 80 per cent are from falls.
$485m 'rescue' package to reboot e-health: Govt
The Government will deliver a rebooted personalised myHealth Record system for patients and doctors that will trial an opt-out, rather than opt-in, option as part of a $485m Budget ...
Improved access to local doctors a 'boost' for regional Australia
Minister for Health Sussan Ley has announced regional communities are benefiting from improved access to a local doctor with 81 graduates having commenced in Australian Government-funded ...
Top 5 Ways to Ensure Positive Bedside Manner
Your bedside manner can provide your patients with a positive healthcare experience – regardless whether you're delivering difficult clinical outcomes, trying to calm nervous patients ...
$57bn public hospital funding cuts 'must be reversed' in 2015 Budget
With discussion continuing on the more than $57 billion in hospital funding cuts, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has called on the Commonwealth Government ...
Care for dementia patients improves with carer involvement: research
A major clinical study has revealed care for hospitalised patients with dementia can be significantly improved by incorporating advice from carers, with the TOP 5 program resulting ...
Recommendations important step in watershed year in hepatitis C fight
Recommendations to include three ground-breaking curative antiviral therapies on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a watershed moment which, if implemented, will fundamentally ...
Leading medical tech companies collaborate on advancing patient care
Leading companies in the medical technology industry have announced they have formed the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), focused on advancing patient care.
What to consider when buying an examination table
An examination table for patients is an important asset at your practice. Knowing what to look for can save you time and money, ensuring all your patients have access to appropriate ...
Government aims to deliver 'healthier' Medicare: Minister for Health
The Abbott Government says it will work hand-in-hand with health professionals and patients to deliver a healthier Medicare to ensure Australians continue receiving the high-quality ...
The pros and cons of robotic surgery
Robotic surgery is a relatively recent technology that continues to advance the medical industry. While it is a pioneering innovation, there are some concerns the technology's worth ...
Programs that help doctors also benefit hospitals: study
Research at Johns Hopkins suggests hospitals may reach higher safety and quality levels with programs that give physicians real-time feedback about evidence-based care and financial ...
How IT and data can support your medical practice
IT and data support can be a strategic tool at your practice. Not only can it help your practice run smoothly and more efficiently, it can also improve your patienTs' experience with ...
New course recognises changing healthcare landscape
As healthcare increasingly depends on the innovative use of modern technologies the University of Sydney has announced a first of its kind master's degree aimed at developing leaders ...
PHAA welcomes announcement of Primary Health Networks
The CEO of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) Michael Moore, has welcomed the much awaited announcement by Health Minister Sussan Ley of the successful tender applicants ...
Nation's largest diabetes conversation on the table
Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley is calling on Australians to have their say as part of the nation's largest conversation about the best ways to prevent, treat and cure diabetes. ...
Major hospital improvements drive 6% fall in Golden Staph cases
Australia's major public hospitals have recorded a marked fall in the rate of healthcare-associated 'Golden Staph' bloodstream infections, the latest report from the National Health ...
New workshop highlights rural, remote health opportunities
A partnership between the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) and the National Health Performance Authority (NHPA) will help equip rural and remote health service ...
10 minimum standards for medical forms
The AMA has developed a guide outlining 10 minimum standards that should apply to forms that medical practitioners are asked to complete by organisations such as Centrelink, the ...
Australian dental, special medical services among thriving SMEs
Size matters – and in business, scale matters. Scale often brings lower overheads and reduces the cost of production, which allows firms to improve their profit margins and expand ...
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