Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Elderly thyroidectomy patients at risk of postoperative complications
Elderly patients who undergo thyroid surgery are at a much higher risk than their younger counterparts for serious cardiac, pulmonary and infectious complications, according to a ...
How does a cold make you cough and wheeze?
Cold-like infections make ‘cough receptors’ in the airways more sensitive, making asthmatics more prone to bouts of coughing and wheezing, reveal scientists presenting their findings ...
Dental plaque bacteria may 'trigger' infective heart disease
Oral bacteria that escape into the bloodstream are able to cause blood clots and trigger life-threatening endocarditis.
Poor dental hygiene puts congenital heart disease patients at risk
Poor dental hygiene behaviours in patients with congenital heart disease are increasing their risk of endocarditis.
The health risk of too much sitting down
A study led by the University of Sydney has found that adults who sat 11 or more hours per day had a 40 percent increased risk of dying in the next three years compared with those ...
Can a common stomach bug eradication make aspirin safer?
Researchers have launched a major clinical trial to investigate whether eliminating a common stomach bug could help to make taking aspirin safer in some patients.
The melanoma survival link
Queensland researchers bring new reassurance to melanoma patients with thin invasive tumours after finding that 20 years after diagnosis their survival rate is 96% .
Think twice before knee surgery
A La Trobe University study has shown that after knee reconstruction surgery, around 40 per cent of people do not return to their previous level of sports participation.
Colorectal cancer 'not just for those 50 and older'
Colorectal cancer continues to be the second-deadliest cancer worldwide with more than 140,000 people in the United States alone are expected to be diagnosed with the disease this ...
Study proves drug success for severe dementia treatment
A drug commonly used to treat mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) can have positive benefits for patients in the later stages of dementia, research has found.
White rice increases risk of type 2 diabetes: study
The risk of type 2 diabetes is significantly increased if white rice is eaten regularly, according to a study published on
How to improve material handling safety and productivity
In Australia, workplace injuries and related illnesses cost the economy $57.5 billion dollars a year - a huge number that accounts for almost six per cent of GDP.
Warming up before flu vaccine could boost effectiveness
You might have heard of warming up for a football match, but researchers from the University of Sydney are hoping that warming up for a flu vaccine could improve its effectiveness ...
Cell-therapy cuts death risk in stem cell transplant patients
Two teams of Australian researchers have identified new approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which could potentially result in new and definitive ...
The root cause of dental phobia
Women in their forties are more likely to have dental anxiety than any other age group according to a University of Sydney study into dental anxiety and phobia.
Rheumatoid arthritis linked to irregular heart rhythm
People with rheumatoid arthritis are at a greater risk of irregular heart rhythm (known as atrial fibrillation) and stroke compared with the general population, according to a study ...
Preventing bacteria's access to 'gangs' helps stop gum disease
Stripping some mouth bacteria of their access key to gangs of other pathogenic oral bacteria could help prevent gum disease and tooth loss.
Lifestyle factors the most significant cancer causes
Fears that involuntary exposure to chemicals in food and consumer products causes cancer are not supported by evidence, and anxiety about their dangers is diverting attention from ...
Vegetarians unwittingly eat animal gelatin in medicines
A significant proportion of vegetarians and other patients with dietary preferences borne out of cultural/religious practices are unwittingly consuming animal gelatin in prescribed ...
Simple tips to preserve your eyesight
According to Vision Australia, nearly 300,000 Australians are blind or vision impaired, and this figure is expected to rise to 421,600 by 2021 as more baby boomers reach retirement ...
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