Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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High levels of "good" cholesterol may cut bowel cancer risk
High levels of “good” (high density lipoprotein) HDL cholesterol seem to cut the risk of bowel cancer, suggests research published online in Gut.
Acupuncture curbs severity of menopausal hot flushes
Traditional Chinese acupuncture curbs the severity of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms, suggests a small study published today in Acupuncture in Medicine.
Radiation increases cancer risk for dialysis patients
High radiation doses put a significant number of dialysis patients at increased risk of cancer, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American ...
Botox treatment offers little help in chronic migraine
The popular anti-wrinkle jab, Botox, is unlikely to offer much benefit in its most recently licensed use - as a treatment for chronic migraine - says the new look Drug and Therapeutics ...
Maths helps bone implant research
A team of mathematicians from The University of Queensland has helped design a prototype for a new generation of bone implants that could potentially reduce surgery and rehabilitation ...
Mammograms can also help assess heart risk
Routine mammograms performed for breast cancer screening could serve another purpose as well: detecting calcifications in the blood vessels of patients with advanced kidney disease, ...
Doctors don’t need to fear red heads
A study in the BMJ’s Christmas issue published on confirms that there is no need for doctors to fear red heads.
Speedier test for tuberculosis
The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed a new and novel rapid test for tuberculosis (TB) which could provide an accurate diagnosis for many patients in about 100 minutes ...
Protein affects breast cancer severity
A nationwide team of researchers, led by Dr Clare Fedele and Prof Christina Mitchell at Monash University, has made a significant discovery in breast cancer research that identifies ...
Vitamin E for prostate cancer
Survival rates of the world's most common cancer might soon be increased with a new vitamin E treatment which could significantly reduce tumour regrowth.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
'Fog' helps fight weight gain
The Friends of GATA may sound like a social support group but a new study reveals that they are a very different kind of support act – they are proteins that play a previously unknown ...
'Stocking' up against strokes
Treating hospital patients with thigh-length surgical stockings, rather than knee-high socks, can reduce the chance of developing life threatening blood clots by 30 percent, according ...
Antibody alters anthrax toxin
University of Auckland scientists have made an important discovery about how an antibody against the anthrax toxin works, and their findings may have implications for vaccine ...
Blocking the malaria 'burglar'
Development of an effective vaccine for malaria is a step closer following identification of a key pathway used by the malaria parasite to infect human cells.
Solving the HIV puzzle
Melbourne researchers have made a major discovery in the fight against HIV leading to the possibility of an eventual cure.
Genes determines heart health
A gene network behind hardening of the arteries and coronary heart disease has been identified by a team of scientists from Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom. Their findings ...
Call to spend on prevention
University of Queensland and Deakin University researchers have released a report with dozens of recommendations that strongly support more spending on prevention, but also warn that ...
Therapy for cancer weight loss
Deakin University medical researchers are working on a treatment for cancer cachexia, the debilitating weight loss and muscle wasting condition that affects patients with cancer.
Independent reviews of new type 2 diabetes medicines
People with type 2 diabetes can find independent reviews of two new blood glucose lowering medicines in the latest edition of Medicine Update, a newsletter published by NPS – better ...
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