Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Pain relievers may fix hangover but cause other problems
If you over-celebrate‘ this Australia Day, you may turn to pain relievers the next day to deal with that hangover.
Hip size may be the key to link between obesity and premature death
A research team led by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute has for the first time demonstrated that the effect of obesity on the risk of premature death is seriously underestimated ...
'Achilles heel' in aggressive blood cancer identified
Melbourne researchers have discovered that acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), an aggressive blood cancer with poor prognosis, may be susceptible to medications that target a protein ...
Genetic code cracked for HIV blood parasite
Scientists have cracked the genetic code and predicted some high priority drug targets for the blood parasite Schistosoma haematobium, which is linked to bladder cancer and HIV/ AIDS ...
Rheumatoid arthritis pain treatment ineffective, study shows
Pain management is a high priority for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but a new study shows that minimal or no benefits with muscle relaxants and neuromodulators are outweighted ...
Allergy response can be controlled by the mind: research
You – or more accurately, your brain – has control over how allergic your skin is, suggests new research.
One-third of Australians lack vitamin D: study
Nearly one third of Australian adults are suffering vitamin D deficiency according to a study involving more than 11,000 adults from around the country.
Two or more prescription meds doubles fall rate at home
Taking two or more prescription drugs at any one time seems to double the unintentional fall rate at home for the young and middle aged, similar to the effect seen in elderly people. ...
Fighting the side effects of latest anti-psychotic drugs
Anti-psychotic drugs for treating serious mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, are effective and often life-saving but come with unwelcome side effects.
Lumosity brain training improves attention in older adults
Lumosity, the leading online brain exercise program, has been shown to improve cognitive performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Little evidence for wide-spread use of herbal meds for osteoarthritis
There is little conclusive evidence to justify the wide-spread use of herbal medicines to relieve the symptoms of the painful joint condition osteoarthritis, says a comprehensive ...
Sunnier climes linked to lower rates of inflammatory bowel disease
Living in sunnier climates may curb the likelihood of developing inflammatory bowel disease, particularly after the age of 30, suggests a large, long term US study, published online ...
New approach to diagnosing anorexia nervosa
A new approach for diagnosing patients with anorexia nervosa has been developed at the University of Sydney.
Cognitive decline can begin as early as age 45, experts warn
The brain’s capacity for memory, reasoning and comprehension skills (cognitive function) can start to deteriorate from age 45, finds research published on
Anti estrogen therapy may decrease melanoma risk
Women with breast cancer who take antiestrogen supplements may be decreasing their risk for melanoma, according to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the ...
Ten gynaecological cancer symptoms women shouldn’t ignore
Pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding aren’t the only signs of gynaecological cancer.
Depression and diabetes linked to cardiac arrest risk
A study linking depression and the rising incidence of diabetes to heightened risks from heart attack and possible death, has been published by an international research team led by ...
Smokers prefer cold turkey
Cold turkey is the preferred method for giving up smoking according to public health researchers at the University of Sydney.
Genes that predict the speed of Parkinson’s disease identified
Two genes related to protein accumulation in the brains of people with Parkinson's disease can indicate how quickly the disease will progress in an individual, say NeuRA researchers. ...
New sugar to treat type-1 diabetes
Researchers from The Australian National University have discovered a new treatment for type-1 diabetes – an autoimmune disease which currently affects some 130,000 Australians.
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