Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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AMC poised for Registration and Accreditation Scheme
The Australian Medical Council (AMC) says it is strong, flexible and ready for the introduction of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) in July 2010.
Indigenous Australians have fewer hospital procedures
When Indigenous Australians do get to hospital, they have fewer procedures and poorer outcomes than the rest of the population.
How to deal with unproductive staff
Dealing with an unproductive staff can be a challenge for even the most experienced leader. There could be many reasons that are feeding the productivity problem, and once the issue ...
Medicare supports GPs in chronic disease management
Medicare Australia has released an advanced eLearning program to help health professionals understand their obligations when working with Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) chronic ...
Greater scrutiny needed over nanotechnology
Greater transparency and public engagement about the potential opportunities and risks presented by nanotechnology is required, according to a new report by The Australia Institute. ...
Pregnancy hormone protein may prevent breast cancer
Researchers have found that hormones produced during pregnancy induce a protein that directly inhibits the growth of breast cancer.
Not expressing work anger doubles heart attack risk
Men who do not openly express their anger about unfair treatment at work double their risk of having a heart attack or dying from serious heart disease, suggests research published ...
Alcohol lowers heart disease risk by almost a third
Regularly drinking alcohol of any type lowers the risk of serious heart disease by almost a third – at least in men, indicates Spanish research of more than 41,000 adults published ...
Health info needs urgent technological injection
The Business Council of Australia has called on the federal government to lead an urgent implementation of the national e-health strategy.
National call for regional cancer centres applications
Applications for the Rudd Government’s $560 million Regional Cancer Centres are now open via a national advertising campaign.
New discussion paper: ‘Dementia, Lesbians and Gay Men’
Australia’s largest community-based gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and Intersex (GLBTI) health and HIV/AIDS organisation – and Aged and Community Services Association of NSW & ...
Tests miss high blood pressure in kids with kidney disease
Many children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who show normal blood pressure readings at the doctor’s office have high blood pressure when tested at home, according to a study ...
Ministers' meeting results in endorsments and progress
Health Ministers met in Adelaide on 13 November to discuss a range of issues including e-health, improving elective surgery performance, and strengthening accountability and performance ...
Dangers of listening to the foetal heart at home
An over the counter foetal heart monitor can be a fun purchase for expectant parents eager to hear their unborn child. The authors warn that parents shouldn’t rely on the devices to ...
Good managers form the key to better business
An international survey of Australian manufacturing companies confirms that good managers are the key to successful businesses and highlights where Australian managers need to improve. ...
Breast density affects the risk of cancer recurrence
A new study finds that women treated for breast cancer are at higher risk of cancer recurrence if they have dense breasts.
Working time regulations for trainee doctors
Creating more flexibility around current working is the solution.
Countdown to space-flight for worms on a mission
When the Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched later this month 4,000 microscopic worms will be onboard. Their mission – to help experts in human physiology at The University of Nottingham ...
Benefitting from innovative IP service opportunities
Darwin-based innovators now have access to a secure intellectual property (IP) lodgement service thanks to a new initiative by Federal Government agency IP Australia and Australia ...
Key to hormone therapy and breast cancer link uncovered
The use of postmenopausal hormone therapy has decreased over time in the United States, which researchers suggest may play a key role in the declining rate of atypical ductal ...
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