Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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6 New Year's resolutions that could save your life
Cancer Council Victoria is encouraging all Victorians to think long-term in making their New Years resolutions for 2012.
High bodily levels of nickel and selenium lower pancreatic cancer risk
High bodily levels of the trace elements nickel and selenium may lower the risk of developing the most common type of pancreatic cancer, finds research published online in Gut.
Endometriosis in women linked to inflammatory bowel disease risk
Women with endometriosis are up to twice as likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease as those without this reproductive disorder, suggests a large study published online in Gut. ...
"Mindfulness" exercises help curb stress and fatigue in arthritis
"Mindfulness" exercises, which focus on experiencing the present moment, no matter how difficult, can help curb the stress and fatigue associated with painful rheumatoid joint disease, ...
Simple test to help diagnose bowel and pancreatic cancer
A simple online calculator could offer family GPs a powerful new tool in tackling two of the most deadly forms of cancer, say researchers.
Men turn to alternative treatments for cancer cure
More than 50% of men diagnosed with cancer in Australia are turning to complementary and alternative medicine to help find a cure, or to improve their health, according to new research ...
Vaccine hope for Alzheimer's disease
A vaccine that slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia has been developed by researchers at the University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Research ...
Adult sleep shortages debunked by study
University of Sydney researchers have debunked the widespread belief that technological devices such as computers and mobile phones are increasingly eating into our sleep.
Common bone drug may extend life of replacement joints
People who take bisphosphonates after joint replacement surgery are less likely to need a repeat operation, finds a new study published on
Heart health risk of prostate cancer treatment ignored: specialists
Heart disease and stroke are emerging complications of treating prostate cancer with drugs to suppress testosterone production, yet standard management of the disease is ignoring ...
Stem cell discovery could help mend hearts
Researchers have discovered a new population of adult stem cells in the heart, which could augment the development of new regeneration and repair therapies for people who have suffered ...
New research reveals how phantom limbs form
New studies on how phantom limbs form show there is no default position that the phantom moves into after it forms.
Elderly must embrace technology, says award-winning researcher
Falls expert Dr Kim Delbaere says the key to preventing falls in the elderly is to encourage grandma and grandpa to embrace the latest technology and video games.
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
New hip implants no better than traditional ones
New hip implants appear to have no advantage over traditional implants, suggests a review of the evidence published on
Internet interventions beat depression
A new study from The Australian National University shows that online therapy programs can play a major and long-lasting role in treating depression.
Study to probe medical treatment levels for dying patients
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) will undertake a study into why futile medical treatment is, at times, provided to dying patients.
Loss of loved one can truly be 'heartbreaking': study
A study involving University of Sydney cardiac researchers has shown the loss of a loved one can really break your heart.
New drug to treat cystic fibrosis
The Lung Institute of WA (LIWA) has recently made a breakthrough in the search for a drug to improve the quality of life of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF).
Award-winning continuity of care
A program making the transfer of elderly patients from hospital to residential care facilities safer has been lauded at the 2011 Victorian Public Healthcare Awards.
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