Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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How long does it take to train a surgeon?
Restrictions on the working hours of doctors may be compromising surgical education and patient care. Gretchen Purcell Jackson and John Tarpley argue that greater flexibility is ...
Aspirin use to ward off heart attacks should be stopped
The use of low-dose aspirin to ward off heart attacks and strokes in those yet to develop obvious cardiovascular disease, should be abandoned, says the latest issue of the Drug and ...
Dementia seen as major disease of this century: report
A report released last month has found that the number of Australians with dementia is expected to quadruple to more than 1.1 million people by 2050, according to Glenn Rees, Chief ...
Medical ice cream may combat some chemo side effects
An innovative new medical ice cream developed by Fonterra and The University of Auckland has shown early promise for combating some of the unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy.
Screening advances offset Down’s syndrome increase
The number of diagnoses of Down’s syndrome has increased by almost three quarters (71%) from 1989/90 to 2007/08, largely due to the considerable increase in the number of older ...
Indigenous ears 'need help'
The high number of Indigenous children suffering middle ear infections will continue to rise unless urgent action is taken to tackle overcrowding, provide appropriate housing and ...
Hospitals need to spend money to save money: study
Hospitals will save health care resources worth up to $333 per patient if they adopt an intervention aimed at reducing the risk of emergency re-admissions among elderly Australians, ...
Aust plans to launch its first Preventative Health Agency
Australia’s first ever Preventive Health Agency will soon be established following the passage of important legislation in the House of Representatives.
Research supports need for improved training for junior doctors
The Australian Medical Students’ Association applauds a study at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital that highlights the need for proper supervision and training of junior doctors.
More doctors and nurses are joining a rapidly ageing workforce
The number of employed medical practitioners in Australia increased by almost 20% from 56,207 in 2003 to 67,208 in 2007, according to a report released recently by the Australian ...
Public hospitals new report card reveals need for more funding
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has welcomed the support of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) for strengthening Australia's public hospital system. ...
Bureaucratically run hospitals are a health hazard for Aussies
It is time for public hospitals to once again become the trusted and well-run institutions they used to be, says a new report.
Indigenous people being encouraged to become health carers
The Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health and Regional Services Delivery, Warren Snowdon was in Brisbane recently at the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association’s ...
Foot & Mouth Disease experts are due to meet in Melbourne
The latest developments in Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) research, diagnostics, surveillance and control measures will be discussed at the inaugural international FMD Symposium and ...
Study: Patients With multiple illnesses need better health care
Australia’s health system is failing the many people who suffer from multiple illnesses as it is principally designed to deal with individual conditions, a new study suggests.
Disability employment can address the current skills shortages
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia’s largest and most representative business organisation, has joined with the Australian Council of Trade Unions and ...
Doctors are overwhelmingly doing the right thing by Medicare
Despite a few hysterical and misleading headlines in the papers, Medicare Australia’s National Compliance Program report provides compelling evidence that Australia’s doctors ...
New deal launched to boost Qld's clinical trials industry
Queensland is breaking into one of the world's major markets for clinical trials of medical and pharmaceutical products and equipment.
Solving the aged care problem is much more than about beds
Solving the issues facing aged care also means supporting family carers, not counting aged care beds, the CEO of Carers Australia, Joan Hughes has said.
Input and feedback sought for new healthcare standards review
Consumers, healthcare professionals, industry bodies and the broader community are among those invited to provide feedback on the accreditation standards used by the majority of ...
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