Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Minister welcomes results of a new independent AIHW report
Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot has welcomed the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report - Residential Aged Care in Australia 2007–08: a statistical overview.
Emergency care crisis needs new ideas for  national approach
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has called for a national approach to addressing the current crisis situation within public hospital emergency departments. ...
Waiting lists to grow: 216,000 extra public hospital admissions
Four times more people than predicted by Treasury may go without private health insurance as a result of changes to the private health rebate and Medicare levy surcharge, Catholic ...
$1.25 million has been awarded to prostate cancer research
New treatments to ease or even cure the most common cancer affecting Australian men are a step closer to reality with a $1.25 million grant awarded to QUT prostate cancer researcher ...
New funding support offered to help medical research happen
Twenty five independent health and medical research institutes across Australia are about to receive up to $31 million to support their essential work.
NHMRC announces six new leaders in Australian health care
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has announced the awarding of six 2009 NICS Fellowships to help improve the use of evidence in key areas including cardiovascular ...
Leading institute calls for better pain management at the end
Despite the availability of new and effective treatments for all types of pain, including cancer pain, many people in the final stages of life still suffer preventable pain and ...
$1.5M to be given to veteran health and wellbeing projects
Encouraging veterans, war widows, widowers and their families to become involved in local health and wellbeing activities, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, has ...
RACP policy recommends stand-alone healthcare for children
Concern over the increasing practice of children being co-located with adults within the hospital environment has prompted The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) to ...
300 future doctors want more experience out  in the country
Later this year, 300 medical students will pack their bags and head for country towns and small rural communities across Australia.
Has the latest budget placed health firmly on the back burner?
Major health reform seems to have been placed on the back burner in considerations of the Federal Budget, according to Tony McBride, Chair of the Australian Health Care Reform Alliance ...
AMA says budget will do nothing to satisfy vital health needs
The AMA says tonight’s budget does nothing to provide Australians with confidence that their health needs will be met in the face of the recession. There is nothing to cushion ...
New partnership and era starts in health and hospital reform
In the 2009-10 Budget, the Rudd Government is delivering a record $64 billion boost to health and hospital funding to drive vital reform in the nation’s health and hospital system.
CSIRO researchers say that early detection of dementia is key
CSIRO recognises the importance of studies like the report Access Economics recently released; “Making Choices – Future Dementia Care: Projections, Problems and Preferences”, for it ...
Govt says it has plans to  subsidise new drugs on the PBS
The Government will subsidise new drugs on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from and several other drugs, already listed on the PBS, will become available in new forms.
AMA says importance of health must be reflected in the budget
The AMA has urged government to ensure the importance Australians place on health is reflected in the budget process.
$100 mln for Lifehouse at RPA - the new Sydney cancer centre
The Rudd Government has announced a further $100 million for the new Lifehouse at RPA cancer care, research and education facility at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney.
$5 million to be allocated for nanotech healthcare research
The projects are funded through the council's ‘Nanoscience through Engineering to Application' programme, which supports research that aims to develop nanotechnologies for the targeted ...
Funding boost for Home and Community Care inside the ACT
The Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot, and the ACT Minister for Ageing, John Hargreaves have recently announced a $6.6 million funding increase over three years for Home and ...
Strong links between disability and socioeconomic disadvantage
There is a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and severe disability in capital cities, according to a report released recently by the Australian Institute of Health and ...
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