Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Laughter a good medication for dementia agitation
Humour therapy is as effective as widely used antipsychotic drugs in managing agitation in patients with dementia – and avoids serious drug side effects, a new study shows.
Be above 'blood glucose level 5' to drive
Australians with diabetes who are at-risk of experiencing low blood glucose (or hypoglycaemia) should test their blood glucose levels before driving, according to new medical patient ...
Comparing weight loss programs: results are in
An international study of overweight and obese adults comparing commercial weight loss programs with weight loss plans managed by local doctors or nurses found both groups lost ...
Premature deaths among schizophrenics
Despite improvements in mental health care, people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder still face a "persistent and increasing"risk of premature death compared with the general ...
Breast screening linked to higher mastectomy rates
Breast screening is associated with a noticeable increase in mastectomy rates, despite women being told that screening reduces their risk of mastectomy, finds a study from Norway ...
Giardiasis bug linked to ongoing IBS & chronic fatigue
Infection with the intestinal parasite, Giardia lamblia, more than triples the risk of persistent irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic fatigue, lasting up to three years, ...
Men: Cancer prevention tips by age
Men who maintain a healthy body throughout life are often better able to fight off diseases like cancer.
Exercise the body, build the brain
Researchers have, for the first time, isolated exercise as the key factor in triggering the production of functional new cells in the learning and memory centre of the brain.
Biological agents in arthritis treatment linked to skin cancer risk
Biological agents used to treat rheumatoid arthritis seem to be associated with an increased risk of skin cancer, indicates a systematic review of published research in the Annals ...
Tooth loss higher in people with serious mental illness
People with severe mental illnesses are over three times more likely to lose their teeth because of poor oral health than the general population, University of Queensland researchers ...
Stopping snoring cuts heart attack risk
Sleep apnoea patients who are successfully treated have lower blood fat levels and a reduced risk of heart attack than people who are left untreated, University of Sydney researchers ...
Calculating cholesterol: a balancing act
Non-elevated cholesterol levels are often considered an excuse to continue with unhealthy eating patterns, but measuring total cholesterol may not be an accurate reflection of what ...
It's official – chocolate linked to heart health
High levels of chocolate consumption might be associated with a one third reduction in the risk of developing heart disease, finds a study published on
New scoring system predicts cancer patients' life span
A new scoring system can more reliably predict whether patients with advanced cancer are likely to survive for "days", "weeks" or "months" finds a study published on
Obesity a brain condition, not just lifestyle disorder
New Australian research has confirmed that obese individuals often perform poorly in reasoning and planning tasks and, likewise, those with poor cognitive function are more vulnerable ...
Older people are given too many medicines
University of Queensland researchers have called for urgent action following a study that reveals older Australians are being over prescribed psychotropic drugs, resulting in serious ...
15 minutes of moderate daily exercise lengthens life
Taiwanese who exercise for 15 minutes a day, or 92 minutes per week, extended their expected lifespan by three years compared to people who are inactive, according to a study published ...
You are what you eat; but how do you know what you're eating?
Australians want solutions to help them make healthier choices on the foods they like to eat; 88% want healthier choices at burger and pizza chains, 91% at chicken chains and 90% at ...
Coffee's anti-cancer link explained
Coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer by helping kill off damaged cells that could otherwise turn into tumours, according to a US study published on Monday.
Stroke prevention medicine review helps people be medicinewise
Dabigatran (Pradaxa) – a new anticoagulant medicine to help prevent strokes in people with an irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) is reviewed in the latest edition of Medicine ...
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