Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Report reveals growth in health expenditure slowing down
According to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health expenditure Australia 2005-2006, growth in health expenditure is slowing.
Using human embryonic stem cells to grow cartilage
Rice University biomedical engineers have developed a new technique for growing cartilage from human embryonic stem cells, a method that could be used to grow replacement cartilage ...
Genome of parasitic worm that causes elephantiasis solved
More than 150 million people worldwide are infected with filarial parasites — long, thread-like worms that can live for years inside the human body and cause severe, debilitating ...
Education, training must be key priority in GP super clinics
The Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is pleased to see the Australian Labor Party’s acknowledgement of General Practice as the frontline of the Australian healthcare ...
Aust scientists discover new medical visualisation method
John Brumby, has announced that scientists from WEHI have now visualised how a “molecular switch” that regulates the life span of normal cells and cancer cells can be flipped.
Trial shows blood pressure drugs can cut diabetes deaths
NHMRC CEO Professor Warwick Anderson has congratulated the George Institute for International Health (Sydney) on the success of a worldwide clinical trial showing that a combination ...
Regulator cancels registration of anti inflammatory drug
Australia's medicines Regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has cancelled the registration of the osteoarthritis drug, Lumiracoxib because of serious liver side ...
Is inexorable cancer growth driven by most tumour cells ?
Research in recent years has suggested that the relentless growth of many cancers is sustained by a rare population of cells termed “cancer stem cells.”
$36 million given to Australian medical researchers
The Commonwealth Government’s $36 million Australia Fellowships, through the National Health and Medical Research Council, have been awarded to researchers in cancer, infectious ...
New predictive tool created specifically for heart failure
Melbourne based biotechnology company HD Medical Group Limited is moving rapidly towards international application of its world first, non-invasive heart failure prediction device, ...
Discovery of mechanism for killing cells that are stressed
One of the essential functions of cells is the manufacture of proteins, which are important in determining the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
Aust scientists awarded $2.3 mln for international research
More than $2.3 million over 3 years has been awarded to seven of Australia’s leading health and medical researchers under the prestigious international Human Frontier Science Program ...
HPV vaccination GP program has started in SA and NT
General practitioners in South Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory will begin administering free Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine to women aged 18 to 26 years from 1 ...
New drug delivery method - nanoparticles ride on red cells
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara have discovered that attaching polymeric nanoparticles to the surface of red blood cells dramatically increases the in vivo ...
Groundbreaking new technology for cardiac illness diagnosis
Cardiovascular disease is a major international health problem, which accounts for 38% of all deaths worldwide.
Project develops intelligent textiles to monitor people's health
Integrating bio-chemical sensors into textiles for continuous monitoring of a person's health is the goal of the EU-funded BIOTEX ('Bio-sensing textile for health management') project. ...
Nanomedicine opens way towards nerve cell regeneration
The ability to regenerate nerve cells in the body could reduce the effects of trauma and disease in a dramatic way.
Aust scientists identify core enzyme inside 85% of cancers
Research into cancer, anticancer treatments, and ageing has been advanced through the identification of the composition of human telomerase - an enzyme integral to 85% of all cancers. ...
Research breakthrough in movement disorders,mental illness
A Monash research team co-led by Professor James Whisstock and Associate Professor Merrill Rowley has solved the structure of two key proteins that function to control human movement ...
New clinical trials facility welcomed for better health
WA’s premier adult medical research institute has welcomed the announcement that the State will soon become home to an early stage clinical trials facility, saying the move will give ...
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