Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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So Why Is Toileting Rarely Talked About?
A person’s mobility and range of motion can decrease with age, so what about toileting?
What is the term for ulcers & sores caused by pressure & shear forces?
Ulcers and sores on fragile skin have traditionally been called by many names. So what exactly should we be calling them?
Patient Fall Monitors for falls Risk Patients
Injuries from falls are a major issue in Australia today. If we are aware when a fall risk resident has stood up or got out of bed, we can intervene before a fall...
An inside scoop on the government's 'My Health Record'
With the approval of all the top health bodies in Australia, My Health Record (MHR) is said to provide improvement in the medical care given to patients.
Australia’s elderly benefitting from hip and knee replacements
Thanks to and world-class surgeon performance and advancements in surgical techniques, Australians over the age of 80 are now more likely than ever to benefit from hip and knee joint ...
Unhealthy lifestyle responsible for 45,000 cases of bowel cancer
A UNSW study shows that a large proportion of bowel cancers in Australia are preventable by adopting a healthy lifestyle – particularly for men.
Why do some people respond more strongly to placebo?
Imagine if a sugar pill worked as well as an opiate for you.
Why do so many Alzheimer's treatments fail?
The discovery of an aggressive feedback loop between the build-up of protein and nerve damage could be the key to explaining why so many trials of promising new treatments for ...
Royal Commission must review penalties for abuse in aged care
The Aged Care Royal Commission must investigate an appropriate range of penalties for neglect, excessive restraint and abuse in residential aged care along with the need for more ...
Aged-care doesn't meet older people's emotional needs
In the wake of ABC's Four Corners investigation Associate Professor Lee-Fay Low explains why Australia's aged-care system is failing older people and the fundamental shift that is ...
Can video game exercises help chronic low back pain?
A study from University of Sydney found the effect of an 8-week home-based video game program was comparable to exercise programs completed under the supervision of a physiotherapist. ...
Can aspirin prolong good health?
Three groundbreaking papers published in New England Journal of Medicine, led by a team of Monash University researchers in Melbourne, reveal the results from a seven-year study of ...
Vitamin D no defence against dementia
New research from South Australian scientists has shown that vitamin D (also commonly known as the sunshine vitamin) is unlikely to protect individuals from multiple sclerosis, ...
Sugar tax needed in war on obesity
As Federal Parliament rises for the long winter break, the AMA is renewing its call on the major parties to get serious in the war on obesity by making a sugar tax a priority in ...
Guiding end of life directions for aged care
Providing Australians in all parts of the nation with support and the right advice on palliative care and advance care planning will be easier, thanks to the results of a $15 million ...
Watering down of prescription legislation puts patients at risk
Australian GPs are concerned a proposal to allow prescriptions to be written within pharmacies would fragment patients’ healthcare and put them at serious risk.
Evidence of public hospitals failing patients grows
The pile of damning evidence proving public hospitals are failing those they are supposed to care for continues to grow, with yet another report showing increasing numbers of the ...
Australia's ageing population will need more medical support
AMA Vice President, Dr Tony Bartone, said Australia’s ageing population will require an increasing amount of medical support due to significant growth in the prevalence of chronic ...
Health - who misses out, and what can be done?
‘Research published in the latest issue of Australian Health Review looks at how different population groups interact with Australia’s health system’, according to the AHR’s chief ...
Out-of-pocket costs for patients unexpected and unaffordable
‘It’s not surprising that so many patients have reported significant out-of-pocket medical costs, even when they have private health insurance ’, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals ...
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