Dental Care & Oral Surgery Feature Articles

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Does Autoclaving Prevent The Transfer Of Disease?
In short, yes, it does! Autoclaving is used to sterilise medical equipment and tools so that it kills, or neutralises, infectious and harmful agents.
What Type Of Water Should Be Used In An Autoclave?
Water is the lifeline of an autoclave. It is the most critical component of a steam autoclave. Sterilisation will not happen in a steam autoclave without water.
Is There Anything That Can Survive Autoclave Sterilisation?
Read on to see how effecitve autoclaves are at sterilising and removing germs, bacteria, and spores.
How Often Should An Autoclave Be Serviced?
There are various ways to keep your autoclave regularly serviced and maintained. If you want to learn more about this, then please keep on reading.
How long do items stay sterile after autoclaving
In this article, we’ll take a look at the sterilisation process of autoclaving—how it works and how effective it is over a period of time.
What You Need To Know About The Sterilisation Quality Assurance Process For Autoclaves
Keep reading to learn more about the autoclave validation process and what makes it so important.
How To Choose The Right Autoclave For Your Dental Practice
Are you searching for an autoclave for your business? Are you confused by the sheer number of options available in the market? If so, please read below.
3 of the Best Dental Chair Manufacturers Providing Products Globally
Dentists are always on the lookout for the most effective dental chair for their clinics. Though it’s true that the market offers a lot of choices, most of them don’t offer top-tier ...
Is 100% Sterilisation Achievable In An Autoclave?
Is there a way to achieve 100% sterilisation? No form of sterilisation can achieve total sterilisation. However, autoclave comes very close to 100%!
A Guide to Testing Autoclave Heating Elements
How do you test the heating elements on an autoclave to ensure they are working properly? Please read below to find out more.
Important Things You Should Know About Portable Autoclaves
Autoclaves are available in a wide variety of configurations, sizes and designs. This article aims to help you choose the right one for your business.
5 Tips Dentists can Follow to make Happy Dental Patients
Dental patients often visit a clinic thinking nothing much of it. They’re just there to get their teeth fixed, get some cavities cleaned, and their enamels bleached.
Choosing The Best Dental Chair: What You Need To Know
Tips on how to choose the best dental chairs for your practice
What's the Difference Between Autoclaving and Pasteurisation?
The processes of both autoclaving and pasteurisation are used to kill and eliminate pathogens or microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. 
Applications of Autoclaves in Hospitals and Why It Is Important
In most industries, where sterile equipment is needed in the work environment, autoclaves play an essential role.
What is an autoclave and what does it do?
The autoclave is generally used to disinfect anything that needs to be free of microorganisms. It can decontaminate solids, liquids, hollow items and instruments of varying shapes.
Is It Possible To Achieve 100% Sterilisation With An Autoclave?
Let's take a look now at whether or not it is possible for an autoclave to provide 100% sterilisation each time that you use it.
Positive news for the dental industry in 2019 budget
The Australian Government released plans to improve access to dental services across the country as a part of the 2019 federal budget on Tuesday the 2nd of April, benefiting the ...
Water Quality and Sterilisers - How to protect your investment
Water. It's always a hot topic around the country as we all learn to deal with water shortages. It is also becoming a hot topic around the dental industry.
Small businesses ask for delay in new medical devices tax
The nation’s regulator of dental products and other medical devices, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has been asked to delay the introduction of a proposal that will see ...
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