Surgical Tools & Supplies Feature Articles

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AMA welcomes Labor's $2 billion commitment for public hospitals
The AMA welcomes Labor’s commitment to inject an extra $2 billion into the public hospital system and to provide $100 million for a trial of patient-centred medical homes in primary ...
Are Australian health and medical researchers destined to disappear?
During 2015, I'd had personal conversations with Professor Andrew Sinclair, a professor of nutritional science and an award-winning researcher with over 300 publications spanning ...
'Record high' bulk-billing rates creating a false impression: RACGP
"The devil is in the detail as it's a complex story that cannot be reduced to a convenient sound bite," according to Dr Frank R Jones president of The Royal Australian College of ...
'Right doctors' still needed for rural and remote Australia: ACRRM
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has responded to reports of an oversupply of GPs, saying that despite increasing numbers, a significant maldistribution ...
Commonwealth govt winning the fight against tobacco control
The Commonwealth Government has ranked first among Australian governments for making the most progress on combating smoking over the past 12 months.
Labor pledges to lift Medicare patient rebate freeze
AMA President, Professor Brian Owler, said that Labor’s pledge to lift the Medicare patient rebate freeze from 1 January 2017, if elected, would deliver certainty to doctors and ...
WA receives research funding to freeze high paralysis toll
Groundbreaking studies to be undertaken through Western Australia's Neurotrauma Research Program (NRP) aim to reduce severe spinal cord damage and subsequent paralysis from traffic ...
GPs hit by anti-competitive 'win' for pathology services: RACGP
Quality patient care necessitates general practice having appropriate and smooth access to accredited pathology facilities.
AMA releases Key Health Issues for the 2016 Federal Election
The AMA recently released Key Health Issues for the 2016 Federal Election - a summary of the major health issues that the AMA considers must be addressed by the major parties during ...
Top 6 Traits Every Health Professional Should Have
As a health professional you’re trying to maximise your value to your patients.
Report finds less disease and injury burden since 2003
There have been good gains in the health of the Australian population, with the overall burden of disease and injury reducing between 2003 and 2011, according to a report released ...
AMA condemns extension of Medicare rebate freeze
The AMA recently condemned the extension of the freeze of the Medicare patient rebate until 2020 – a saving to the Government of almost $1 billion.
Guidelines on cosmetic medical & surgical procedures: Medical Board
The Medical Board of Australia has issued guidelines for medical practitioners who perform cosmetic medical and surgical procedures.
6 Things to Look Out for When Buying Bed Movers
If you’re considering purchasing bed movers for your hospital or medical centre, here are six important benefits to look out for.
Fed Budget must provide adequate funding for GPs: RACGP
Today’s Federal Budget is the final chance for the Federal Government to show Australia it is serious about providing adequate funding for GPs and our world-class healthcare system, ...
Vic rolls out hospital ICT to provide better and safer patient care
Victorian patients will receive better and safer care with the roll out of new technology to enable hospital doctors and GPs share critical medical information about their patients’ ...
Goverment releases new guidelines for organ transplantation
A record number of Australians benefited from receiving an organ transplant in 2015 with 1,241 Australians receiving a life changing transplant from the generosity of 435 deceased ...
How to safely dispose of medical waste
Whether you run a large public hospital or small private medical practice, you have a responsibility to ensure your staff and patients come and go in a safe environment.
Things to Consider When Buying Surgical Instruments
They’re the tools of your trade and, by necessity, they represent a substantial percentage of your annual expenditure.
Tips to help health care workers manage stress
Health care is one of the noblest industries you can be involved in and it comes with some wonderful rewards.
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