Disinfection & Sterilisation Feature Articles

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Importance of sterilisation and autoclaves in the beauty industry
Are you looking for a reputable beauty salon? Do you know why sterilisation is important for the nails and beauty industry? Please continue reading below to learn more.
Important Things You Should Know About Portable Autoclaves
Autoclaves are available in a wide variety of configurations, sizes and designs. This article aims to help you choose the right one for your business.
Importance Of Sterilisation And Autoclaves In The Podiatry Industry
In this article we discuss about the sterilisation requirements in the podiatry industry and why autoclaves are the most popular sterilisation machines among practitioners.
What's the Difference Between Autoclaving and Pasteurisation?
The processes of both autoclaving and pasteurisation are used to kill and eliminate pathogens or microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. 
Applications of Autoclaves in Hospitals and Why It Is Important
In most industries, where sterile equipment is needed in the work environment, autoclaves play an essential role.
What is an autoclave and what does it do?
The autoclave is generally used to disinfect anything that needs to be free of microorganisms. It can decontaminate solids, liquids, hollow items and instruments of varying shapes.
Is It Possible To Achieve 100% Sterilisation With An Autoclave?
Let's take a look now at whether or not it is possible for an autoclave to provide 100% sterilisation each time that you use it.
Benchtop Autoclaves - Should I Be Buying B Class?
Benchtop Autoclaves Are An Expensive Piece Of Equipment, Ensure That You Have What You Need For Your Requirements Now And Also In The Future.
Water Quality and Sterilisers - How to protect your investment
Water. It's always a hot topic around the country as we all learn to deal with water shortages. It is also becoming a hot topic around the dental industry.
Study reveals an asprin a day won't make healthy adults live longer
A regimen of low-dose aspirin offers healthy, older people no benefit in staving off cardiovascular disease, dementia or disability and increases their risk of bleeding in the ...
Australians ignore risks of mixing alcohol with energy drinks
Many thousands of young Australians are mixing alcohol with caffeine-laden energy drinks with little regard for the potential dangers, according to newly published research.
5 ways pets improve health outcomes
Australia continues to have one of the highest household rates of pet ownership in the world, with over half of Aussie homes owning pets.
Genes, joules or gut bugs: which one's to blame for weight gain?
With obesity on the rise, so too is the diet and weight loss industry, currently valued at US$70 billion in the US alone. But most of us are still confused about the factors that ...
Toxic chemical in some weight loss products
NSW Health is alerting the public to the potential dangers of weight-loss products which contain the chemical, 2,4-dinitrophenol, or DNP.
Hospital hand hygiene may be worse than reported; UNSW study
Hospital staff pay dramatically less attention to hand hygiene when they feel no one is watching, a new study reveals. The research suggests government reported compliance rates are ...
Delay in flu shot may not be a bad thing, but don’t miss out
Researchers at the Kirby Institute and UNSW Sydney have found that due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the flu vaccine over time, June and July could be the best time to get ...
Vaccines, tackling influenza and improving immunisation programs
The NIC held by the PHA will continue its strong focus on getting vaccines to those most in need, considering the lessons learned from the 2017 influenza outbreak, and will also take ...
Scientists link fibre in diet to flu protection
It has long been known that a diet rich in fibre improves intestinal health and reduces inflammation in the gut; a Monash University study shows that fibre can protect against the ...
Budget 2018 – prevention focus goes missing
The national Budget continues to fund the health care systems, but is woefully short on preventative health measures to keep Australians from becoming sick in the first place, ...
Drug testing trial will hurt, not help Australians on welfare
Addiction medicine specialists have criticised the Turnbull Government’s proposal to drug test up to 5,000 new welfare recipients.
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