Optometry & Ophthalmology Feature Articles

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3D printed pills could make personalised medicine a reality
Human beings aren't one-size-fits all, so why are the pills in a prescription bottle identical from patient to patient? What if technology could tweak the formulations of pharmaceutical ...
How to make the transition from paper to electronic records
Today, most practices recognise the need for making the move to electronic health records (EHR) and reducing the reliance on paper-based records.
How technology is shaping the future of medical training
Advances in technology has caused an evolution in how future health professionals are trained. From augmented reality headsets, to virtual microscopy, to interactive simulations of ...
How to buy disinfectants that keep your facility clean
Maintaining adequate hygiene standards in your medical facility is essential to provide optimal healthcare services to your patients. A large component of the cleaning process lies ...
10 Medical Research Breakthroughs You May Not Have Heard Of
Thanks to advances in medicine, people are living increasingly longer and healthier lives.
How to find a job in healthcare
Finding a job in the healthcare sector could be the first step to a long and rewarding career.
10 great podcasts for medical professionals
Podcasts are a brilliant way for busy medical professionals to stay up-to-date with news in health and any emerging research that could affect the decisions made in practice.
Landmark study highlights value of medication reviews
A study on the impact of medication reviews in Australia has highlighted the benefits of such services and found they are valuable in identifying medication-related problems, improving ...
Minimum wages to be increased by 2.5% on 1 July 2015
The Fair Work Ombudsman has reminded employers about an increase in the minimum wage from the 1st of July.
Stem cells from pulled teeth 'might yield a cure' for blindness
Recent research aimed at finding a treatment for a common form of blindness could give new meaning to the term 'eye teeth'.
Consult across the sector on Medicare, health minister urged
The federal government is not learning from mistakes of the past with its continued "narrow consultation" on Medicare reforms, health lobby groups have said.
'Annual fee' model an answer to govt's Medicare woes
The government is struggling to sell its Medicare co-payment reform because its sole emphasis is on cost control, when it should also be about supporting quality and equity, according ...
Autopsy of a dead policy: what now for Medicare?
The government has backed down from its plan to cut Medicare rebates to doctors – which was to start on January 19 – after several days of public pressure.
Dutton 'worst health minister in living memory': poll
What a way to end one's ministerial term. Former Health Minister Peter Dutton has been ranked the worst health minister in living memory in a survey conducted by Australian Doctor ...
Robotic soccer ball makes sports accessible for the blind
A robotic soccer ball is set to improve social ball game participation for people with visual impairment, thanks to a team of Queensland researchers and Vision Australia.
Great expectations: 'naïve optimism' about medical care
"It might do me some good and it won’t hurt to give it a go." How often have you heard a phrase like this?
Health system "inefficiencies" addressed in govt white paper
Which level of government should really be responsible for the funding, policy, regulation and delivery of services in the health sector in Australia?
Mixed response to Coalition's co-payment backflip
PM Tony Abbott has dismissed the dumping of the $7 GP co-payment plan in favour of an exclusive $5 one as a policy backdown, telling reporters it was about making the system "work". ...
Cancer-like retina 'could' lead to new treatments
Eye surgeons have discovered that the retina in human eyes uses energy in a very similar way to cancer, which could lead to improved understanding of cancers as well as eye disease ...
Glaucoma diagnosis improved by close collaboration
Close collaboration between eye care professionals improves diagnosis of the blinding eye disease glaucoma and reduces unnecessary and costly referrals to ophthalmologists, a new ...
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