Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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New direction of stem cell research for Multiple Sclerosis
Professor Claude Bernard from the Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories (MISCL) has received a $500,000 competitive grant to fund a new direction of research in stem-cell ...
A new study tests oral insulin to prevent Type 1 diabetes
Researchers have begun a clinical study of oral insulin to prevent or delay type 1 diabetes in at-risk people, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced.
WA positive blood level samples ease worrying health concerns
The Department of Health has been encouraged by the results of almost 100 blood samples taken from Esperance residents, which reveal lead levels well below the recommended guidelines. ...
Medicine of future: cell-like nanofactories inside the body
Without doubt, nanotechnology is having a major impact on medicine and the treatment of disease, notably in imaging and targeted drug delivery. Source: Michael Berger, Nanowerk LLC
Sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented by new gel
VivaGel is in development as a microbicide for the prevention of the sexually transmitted infections genital herpes and HIV/AIDS.
NSW calls for a fairer share of Federal health funding
NSW Minister for Health John Hatzistergos has slammed the Federal Government for its "remote control" approach to the national health system.
New study finds method of tailoring therapy to treat different cancers
A current study in the British Journal of Cancer, which looks at a receptor molecule that plays a key role in therapy has revealed that identical cellular structures can perform ...
New convention proposal for human embryonic stem cell derivation
Experts have proposed a new convention for the reporting on the derivation of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines. The proposal also includes recommendations on the minimum ...
Data on practice nurses will now be included in GP activity report
Data on practice nurses has been analysed for the first time in the most recent Bettering the Evaluation And Care of Health program (BEACH) report, released by the Australian Institute ...
Australian scientists are very pleased with therapeutic cloning vote
Australian stem cell scientists are very pleased with the decision in the House of Representatives to allow somatic cell nuclear transfer, also known as therapeutic cloning.
Nano-devices hold great promise for early-stage cancer detection
They are miniature labs that can be swallowed like a pill, injected through a catheter, or woven into fabric. Source: McMaster University
Aussie health system needs to integrate services more efficiently
In our second special feature on healthcare, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from ...
Greater transparency and consultation needed in health service
In our third special feature on healthcare in Australia, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from ...
Number of women surviving from ovarian cancer is on the rise
More Australian women are surviving ovarian cancer, but still more than half of those diagnosed will not survive five years, says the latest national report on ovarian cancer released ...
Government has provided funds for new breast cancer treatments
The Australian Government will add two drugs for the treatment of breast cancer to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Model predicts inheritable genetic defects with colon cancer
Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University and other institutions have developed a new prediction model for genetic defects known as Lynch syndrome, which predisposes families to ...
Perth researchers have found the answer to liver transplants
Two medical researchers from Perth have returned home after telling the world’s leading scientists at a USA conference of their work that could potentially end the need for liver ...
Opportunities open up in Pharma RFID and Smart Packaging
RFID in healthcare is growing rapidly to become a $2.1 billion global business in 2016. Smart packaging for healthcare has additional value, for example, ensuring that people take ...
First clinical test for saliva-based oral cancer detection
Oral cancer is the 6th most common cancer in men and the 14th most common cancer in women. In the US, oral cancer will be diagnosed in an estimated 30,000 Americans this year and ...
Major collaboration to accelerate HIV vaccine development
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced 16 grants totaling $287 million to create an international network of highly collaborative research consortia focused on accelerating ...
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