Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Senate should support new proposed programs dental health
400 000 pensioners and low income earners currently on public dental waiting lists may miss out on essential dental care if the Government's planned Commonwealth Dental Health Program ...
NSW hospitals performing above national benchmarks -report
NSW Minister for Health Reba Meagher says that State's hospitals are performing better than ever despite a 4.5 per cent increase in the number of people attending our emergency ...
New nano device can detect immune system cell signalling
Scientists have detected previously unnoticed chemical signals that individual cells in the immune system use to communicate with each other over short distances.
Govt claims 1 in 4 Aussies will be aged 65 years old by 2056
Australian Bureau of Statistics data released recently shows one in four Australians will be aged 65 and over by 2056 is to be welcomed – and the Australian Government has detailed ...
Aged care sector building approvals at record levels
The Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot, has presented an economic report card in Federal Parliament on the aged care sector in Australia, showing a positive outlook.
Govt invests AUD$3.6 mln into hearing loss prevention research
The Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot, has announced that the Australian Government will fund $3.6 million to five separate groups for research into ways to prevent avoidable ...
AIHW releases report on mental health services
A report on mental health services released recently by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) found that expenditure on state and territory mental health services as ...
WEHI scientists receive two of Vic's most respected awards
Professor Peter Colman has won Victoria’s most coveted science award, the Victoria Prize, and Dr Ian Majewski has been awarded a prestigious Victoria Fellowship.
Over 4,000 new junior medical officers to be recruited for NSW
NSW Minister for Health Reba Meagher has said that over 4,000 junior medical officer positions will be advertised across Australia and overseas.
CSIRO ticks  A$20 mln funding for ICT innovation in healthcare
CSIRO has welcomed the launch of the Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) as a national venture, supported by A$20 million in funding from the Federal and Queensland governments. ...
Govt to improve aged, community care for Indigenous Aussies
The Federal Government is calling for tenders to develop new workforce training resources to help improve home and community care for frail and older indigenous Australians.
Bio Taiwan to help Aust medical innovation connect with Asia
Austrade, the Australian Biotechnology Industry Organisation (AusBiotech), and trade promotion agencies from the Australian states of NSW, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia ...
CSIRO scientists use biostatistics to detect disease outbreaks
An internationally recognised authority in biostatistics, Harvard University Professor Louise Ryan, is working with CSIRO researchers to help improve the way statistics are used to ...
Recognition for outstanding contributions to Aboriginal health
Programs to improve renal health among Aboriginal people, encourage safe sex and reduce overweight and obesity in children are among the winners of the 2008 NSW Health Aboriginal ...
University Australia, AAMRI to support medical research funding
On the occasion of the Australian Society of Medical Research (ASMR) Medical Research Week, Universities Australia and the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes ...
Recommendations for ongoing reform of the ambulance service
NSW Minister for Health Reba Meagher has said that the findings of a review into the performance of the Ambulance Service of NSW will add to the work already underway to better ...
New MS drug development based on WEHI’s research
Research conducted at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) has contributed significantly to a major licensing agreement signed between Australian biotechnology company, Bionomics, ...
AMA urges govt to bring aged care out of policy inertia zone
The Australian Medical Association has urged the Government to address the policy inertia that continued to restrict medical services for the care of sick and frail residents of aged ...
Recognition granted for overseas trained medical specialists
Specialist training and practice in Australia generally follows the model of postgraduate advanced clinical training and examinations developed in the United Kingdom.
Dental Association warns about dangers of dental cleansers
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has been alerted to the potential for denture cleansers to cause severe allergic reactions in certain cases.
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