Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Australian women: Health, beauty & ageing
Today's Australian woman is health conscious, well-informed and doesn't buy into the pressure put on her in the never-ending quest for an unachievable image...or does she?
Scientists can weaken lung cancer
Australian scientists have worked out a way of weakening lung cancer, the most deadly form of the disease in the country.
Finger length clue to motor neuron disease
People with the commonest form of motor neuron disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are more likely to have relatively long ring fingers, reveals research published ...
Link between arsenic in drinking water & heart disease
Arsenic is a natural element of the Earth’s crust and high concentrations in groundwater pose a public health threat to millions of people worldwide.
"Excessive" doses of thyroid drugs lead to fracture risks
Many older adults may be taking "excessive" doses of drugs for thyroid problems which can lead to an increased risk of fractures, finds a study published on
Should the law on assisted dying be changed?
Assisted dying is a complex issue with strongly held views on both sides of the argument.
Reducing risk of renal failure in obese patients
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drug, ramipril, is particularly effective in lowering the risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in obese patients, according to a ...
One in five breast cancers linked to alcohol
New Cancer Council analysis published in the Medical Journal of Australia shows the level of cancer incidence caused by alcohol in Australia is higher than previously thought, with ...
Heart attacks are more serious in the mornings
People who have a heart attack are likely to be more seriously affected if the attack happens in the morning, reveals research published ahead of print in Heart journal.
The link between calcium supplements and heart problems
New research published on adds to mounting evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks, in older women.
Blood test could predict metastasis risk in Melanoma
Scientists at Yale University have identified a set of plasma biomarkers that could reasonably predict the risk of metastasis among patients with melanoma, according to findings ...
Illusion can halve the pain of osteoarthritis
A serendipitous discovery by academics at The University of Nottingham has shown that a simple illusion can significantly reduce — and in some cases even temporarily eradicate — ...
Artificial pancreas may improve overnight diabetes control
Two small randomised trials published on suggest that closed loop insulin delivery (also known as an artificial pancreas) may improve overnight blood glucose control and ...
Strawberries may slow esophageal precancerous growth
Freeze-dried strawberries may be an alternative to drugs for the prevention of esophageal cancer, according to research presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011.
Demanding pain relief to the end
Planning early for end of life and the pain relief available is essential for people with dementia, yet most do not do it while they can still make their own decisions.
Popular diets: Do they prevent cancer?
Not all diet plans help reduce a person’s chances of developing cancer, say experts at The University of MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Regular retail therapy prolongs life
A spot of regular retail therapy really does seem to help people live longer, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Epileptic seizures linked to risk of brain tumour
Epileptic seizures can precede the development of a subsequent brain tumour by many years, suggests research published online in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. ...
Stroke risks fade when women stop estrogen pills
Strokes and other health problems linked with estrogen pills appear to fade when women stop taking them after menopause, the first long-term follow-up of a landmark study has found. ...
Digoxin a possible treatment for prostate cancer
Scientists have identified digoxin as a possible therapy for prostate cancer, using a combination of laboratory science and epidemiology that is unprecedented in its cooperative ...
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