Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Virtual reality system for training practice of ear surgery
The CSIRO ICT Centre, Medic Vision Pty Ltd and the University of Melbourne have signed an agreement for the commercial development of a virtual reality (VR) system for teaching ...
Paralysed patients able to convert thoughts into actions
A multi-institutional team of researchers has found that people with long-standing, severe paralysis can generate signals in the area of the brain responsible for voluntary movement ...
Tomorrow’s ‘New Medicine’ touted as a bionic revolution
As modern lifestyles and an ageing population cause a rapid decline in our health, Bio3, a futuristic initiative of the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Medicine is bringing new ...
Genetic parallels between lung development and lung cancer
For over 100 years, biologists have speculated that cancer growth shares common features with embryonic development. Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston now provide solid ...
Australian breakthrough in heart tissue engineering
The Treasurer has announced a major breakthrough for international medical science in the field of tissue engineering by an Australian Research Institute.
Australia and Singapore collaborate on immunology research
Singapore's Agency forScience, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and The Australian National University have agreed to collaborate on immunology research.
$1.4 million in international grants for Aussie scientists
Five Australian scientists will receive approximately $1.4 million in grants awarded under the prestigious international Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).
Australian technology approved as cervical cancer vaccine
It is the world's first cervical cancer vaccine and has been approved in the United States. In addition, it could be on the shelves in Australia by the end of the year.
Australia offers advantages to medical device and diagnostics companies
Australia offers companies engaged in the medical devices and diagnostics sectors a number of inherent advantages - access to a mature and skilled medical workforce of clinicians, ...
Australia's medical devices respected around the world
Australia’s medical device industry is an exemplary model of research and commercialisation, a wealth of opportunity for investment and international collaboration, writes
Wireless healthcare in Australia
Monash Medical Centre (MMC) in Melbourne is in the middle of a wireless trial that aims to plug the gap between bedside care and the hospital’s centralised information systems. ...
Trial of electronic health records
Healthelink, the first NSW pilot of a revolutionary electronic health records system to improve patient care and speed up treatment, is underway in Hunter.
Health reform needs to be championed by health leaders
Health reform needs to be championed by health leaders, responsive to community needs and securely funded, to be sustained and benefit the health of Australians according to a new ...
Three-dimensional ultrasound probes poised to advance minimally invasive surgery
Three-dimensional ultrasound probes built by researchers at Duke's Pratt School of Engineering (U.S.) have imaged the beating hearts of dogs. The engineers said their demonstration ...
Keeping new and emerging diseases in check
CSIRO’s A$500 million Australian Animal Health Laboratory is renowned for its safe handling and containment of new and emerging diseases and the major role it plays in keeping ...
Device for testing breath for the presence of metabolites associated with breast cancer
One of the biggest problems in fighting breast cancer is the lack of inexpensive, early detection diagnostic tools.
Three-dimensional ultrasound probes poised to advance minimally invasive surgery
Three-dimensional ultrasound probes built by researchers at Duke's Pratt School of Engineering have imaged the beating hearts of dogs. The engineers said their demonstration showed ...
Victoria improves medical communication
During 2004-05, the Department of Human Services in Victoria undertook work to develop a strategic approach in regards to purchasing new and replacement medical equipment that would ...
New medical device improves blood pressure control
Physicians at the Hypertension and Vascular Disease Center at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center have proven that a new medical device improves blood pressure management ...
Sticky proteins for neuro-chip chat
EU-funded researchers have taken the firsts steps towards future technologies combining silicon circuits and the nervous systems of mammals. Applications could include advanced drug ...
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