Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Frequent night shifts linked to breast cancer risk: study
Working night shifts more than twice a week is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, finds a long term study published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. ...
Scissor lift table solves Qld hospital's safety hazard
For many businesses, scissor lift systems are a second line consideration and not seen as a part of the business that has the potential to raise efficiencies or productivity.
Inter-arm difference in blood pressure indicates survival
Patients suffering from high blood pressure who have different blood pressure (BP) readings in each arm are at a reduced chance of survival over 10 years, according to a study ...
How to improve material handling safety and productivity
In Australia, workplace injuries and related illnesses cost the economy $57.5 billion dollars a year - a huge number that accounts for almost six per cent of GDP.
The hallmark features of diagnostic ultrasound equipment
When most of us think of ultrasound equipment, images of radiology rooms and pregnancy scans come to mind. Whilst this makes up almost 70 per cent of the market, ultrasound equipment ...
iPads show the way forward for viewing medical imaging
Tablet computers such as the iPad are becoming more and more popular, but new research from the University of Sydney means they could soon be used in hospitals as a tool for doctors ...
Bacteria converts wastewater drugs into toxic form
While traces of pharmaceutical compounds are commonly present in wastewater, interactions with bacteria during the treatment process could transform them from non-toxic to toxic ...
Women with low risk pregnancies can be offered birth place choice
Women with low risk pregnancies should be able to choose where they give birth, concludes a study published on
'Silver bullets' to disinfect implants and medical devices
Infections are winning the health war in Australian hospitals, but researchers may have found a "silver bullet’’ in the shape of specially designed protective surfaces for implants ...
Researchers closer to solving staphylococcus puzzle
Infectious diseases specialists from Austin Health are working closely with Microbiologists from the University of Melbourne to understand how Staph is becoming resistant to all ...
Food for thought - iodine intelligence
The world's leading cause of preventable brain damage is related to iodine in the diet.
A prescription for prevention
Medicine-related hospital admissions could be reduced by a simple initiative designed and implemented by researchers at the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Pharmacy.
Computer-based tool to improve cancer diagnosis and prognosis
A computer-based tool could help GPs to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from two of the most common forms of cancer, potentially saving thousands of lives ...
Hospital superbug debugged
An international team of scientists led by Monash University researchers has uncovered how a common hospital bacterium becomes a deadly superbug that kills increasing numbers of ...
Sharing anonymised hospital data prevents violence
Combining information from hospitals and police can prevent violence and make communities safer, according to a study published on
Do traditional birth attendants improve mother & child health?
The use of traditional birth attendants in developed countries has generated a lot of heated debate over the decades. On, two experts go head to head over whether traditional ...
Pressure to work when sick has long term negative effects
Pressure to work through periods of short term sickness (known as "presenteeism") can have long term negative effects on health and productivity, warns an editorial published on ...
Group therapy helps MS sufferers cope with depression
Offering Multiple Sclerosis sufferers emotional support through group therapy sessions could improve their quality of life, a study at The University of Nottingham has discovered. ...
Australians need to know & ask about organ donations
Australia has achieved a 19% increase in organ donation and transplantation outcomes in the year to date (as at 31 May 2011), with 416 Australians receiving life-saving and life-changing ...
Factors affecting medical imaging utilisation
Imaging utilisation on stroke patients is affected by age and imaging capacity — the number of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) machines at any given ...
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