Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Savings made on healthcare costs by prescription programmes
With each passing day, individuals nationwide in the UK are becoming more aware of the benefits that prescription discount programs have to offer them.
AMC welcomes health workers accreditation scheme progress
The Australian Medical Council has welcomed progress towards a national registration and accreditation scheme for health professionals.
Indigenous, non-Indigenous health spending ratio stays same
Per person spending on health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was 17% higher than for the non-Indigenous population in 2004-05, according to a report ...
International diabetes study doesn't confirm raised death risk
Preliminary findings from the largest-ever study of treatments for diabetes provide no evidence that intensive treatment to lower blood glucose (sugar) increases risk of death.
Govt increases opportunities for nurses to have scholarships
Premier Morris Iemma has announced that the NSW Government will more than double the number of scholarships offered to the State's Enrolled Nurses.
Board announced for research institute in Sydney's south west
NSW Health Minister, Reba Meagher, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Chairman and board members of the Ingham Health Research Institute (IHRI).
Govts work together to deliver radiation oncology service
The Commonwealth and Northern Territory governments will work together to identify a way forward for radiation oncology services in Darwin, after the tender process established by ...
Largest genome study of cancer finds many kinds of mutations
Scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, where one-third of the human genome was sequenced, have now pioneered decoding the sequence of cancer genomes.
WEHI collaborates with companies to research anti-cancer drugs
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) has announced that Abbott, a global, broad-based, healthcare company, Genentech, a leading biotechnology company based ...
Public health spending is 2 pct of the total spent on health
National expenditure on public health activities has remained constant at about 1.8% of total health spending over the last 7 years, according to a report released by the Australian ...
WEHI scientists receive funding to support research projects
In the recently announced round of NHMC funding, fifteen WEHI scientists achieved notable success.
BreastScreen WA celebrates reaching 1 mln mammograms
BreastScreen WA is celebrating the success of its breast-screening program reaching one million screening mammograms.
International Consortium announces 1000 Genomes Project
Major sequencing effort will produce most detailed map of human genetic variation to support disease studies.
NSW health system performing above national average
The NSW public health system continues to perform at or above the national average for almost every performance indicator, according to the Auditor-General's Report to Parliament ...
New surgical education and training program approved
After a comprehensive assessment of the College’s plans, the Australian Medical Council (AMC) has approved the new Surgical Education and Training (SET) program of the Royal Australasian ...
New Medicare model for chronic disease management
Too many Australians with chronic conditions miss out on the care they need to maximise their health and well-being because our current health system is not designed to deliver high ...
Declining GP supply is a major concern for Aust hospitals
AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, has said that figures showing an increase in the number of doctors practising in Australia also reveal a disturbing decline in the supply of ...
Policy changes bring different results in diabetes management
Government initiatives over the last few years have had different effects on the way general practitioners manage type 2 diabetes and depression, according to a report released by ...
ICT transforming delivery of health care to empower people
Advances in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for personal health care are playing a critical role in improving people's health and wellbeing.
Plans for improving access to quality health care for all Aussies
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has launched its Election Manifesto 2007 and First 100 Day Plan, which outlines practical strategies to improve access to ...
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