Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Easy for arthritis, safe for kids
A UNSW industrial design student has come up with an award-winning creation that could make hard-to-open pill bottles a thing of the past for people with restricting conditions such ...
Brain-shrink causes overeating
Researchers have discovered why some people with dementia are compelled to massively overeat, opening the way for better diagnosis and the development of new treatments for the ...
Alzheimers starts in middle age
The neurological decline that leads to Alzheimers disease may begin in middle-age and can be predicted with a simple-to-administer test, according to new research from The Australian ...
B-Vitamins kick depression
People who have suffered a stroke and who regularly take vitamins are less likely to develop depression, according to a study led by The University of Western Australia.
Jabs prolong tendon injuries
Cortisone injections which offer short term relief for painful tendon problems, such as tennis elbow, can actually prolong the condition, a University of Queensland study has shown. ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Oxygen therapy ineffective
While millions of patients with advanced disease are given oxygen therapy to help them breathe more easily, an international study led by Flinders University's Professor David Currow ...
Harder hit for cancer-disabled
A new study has found that health-related disability has a much larger impact on psychological distress than a diagnosis of cancer by itself.
Heart disorder on the rise
A research team led by Professor Prash Sanders, from the University of Adelaide and the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, found that hospital admissions ...
Therapy for cancer weight loss
Deakin University medical researchers are working on a treatment for cancer cachexia, the debilitating weight loss and muscle wasting condition that affects patients with cancer.
Independent reviews of new type 2 diabetes medicines
People with type 2 diabetes can find independent reviews of two new blood glucose lowering medicines in the latest edition of Medicine Update, a newsletter published by NPS – better ...
Fear a factor in elderly falls
The study, led by UNSW Professor Stephen Lord from Neuroscience Research Australia, assessed 500 Australians aged 70 to 90 and found that a large number of elderly people are overly ...
Garlic good for blood pressure
Research trials by Dr Karin Ried and her colleagues from the University of Adelaide's Discipline of General Practice show that garlic could be used as an adjunct to conventional ...
Fractures make life miserable
University of Sydney researchers studying the impact of fractures from osteoporosis have found female sufferers experienced a significant reduction in their quality of life similar ...
Clumpy proteins damage brain
Australian scientists have identified the behaviour of the mutant protein 'huntingtin' which leads to the fatal Huntington's disease providing potential targets to treat the disease, ...
Arthritis relief simple and safe
Taking paracetamol with fish oil could be the safest and best method of pain relief for Australia's 3.1 million arthritis sufferers, UniSA research has found.
Alzheimer therapy not far-off
The groundbreaking new study led by Professor Jurgen Gotz and Dr Lars Ittner, based at the University's Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI) is published today in the prestigious ...
Frail men may lack testosterone
A new study indicates a link between low levels of testosterone and frailty in older men.
Dementia deaths on the rise
Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the most common illnesses affecting older Australians.
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
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