Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Pregnancy doesn't have to be a pain in the back
The Chiropractors' Association of Australia is calling on Australia's mums-to-be to stop being stoic when it comes to pregnancy-related aches and pains.
Scalpel-free surgery for brains
Australia's first ever Gamma Knife, located at the nation's newest and most technologically-advanced hospital - Macquarie University Hospital in Sydney - has treated its first patient. ...
Nanopatch replaces needles
UQ research has found the Nanopatch – a needle-free, pain-free method of vaccine delivery – is now dissolvable, eliminating the possibility of needle-stick injury.
Trials start for rotavirus vaccine
Australian researchers have begun clinical trials of a new vaccine to protect newborn infants against rotavirus, a life-threatening diarrhoeal disease that kills half a million ...
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
Study finds cancer anomaly
New Zealand has different patterns of testicular cancer occurrence compared to the rest of the developed world, particularly in relation to ethnicity, but also socio-economic status ...
General hospitals: A healthy prognosis
Demand for hospital services is rising. While a growing and ageing population underpins an increase in those seeking treatment, rising incomes and medical advances are also contributing ...
Old drug clots serious wounds
Tens of thousands of lives could be saved each year if patients with serious bleeding received a cheap, widely available and easily-administered drug to help their blood to clot, ...
Mismatched organs not rejected
A breakthrough into understanding why organs are rejected after transplant has won Victorian medical researcher Dr Julia Archbold the 2010 Premier’s Award for Health and Medical ...
Where are AUS's missing hepatitis C cases?
Around 90% of those infected have not received treatment, despite the potential for cure, a report released to coincide with National Hepatitis Week shows.
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Baby blood holds allergy clue
A simple blood test can now predict whether newborn babies are at high risk of developing allergies as they grow older, thanks to research involving the University of Adelaide.
Virtual rehab helps after stroke
IRL has licensed the technology to Lower Hutt company Im-Able to commercialise and market. The new tools should also provide low-cost therapeutic benefit to others with upper limb ...
Skin colour blindness common
New University of Otago research has found that people over a range of different skin colours tend to overestimate the darkness of their natural, non-tanned skin.
Jet vents help babies breathe
Researchers at The University of Western Australia have established evidence that supports the use of high frequency jet ventilators to help premature babies with respiratory disease. ...
Cold-activated drug stops clots
A novel antiplatelet agent appears to be turned on only at low temperatures, making it potentially the first to protect against clotting during therapeutic hypothermia without ...
Obesity stirs emotional reaction
Negative attitudes towards obese people are based on an emotional response of disgust, a new study suggests.
Crohn's disease costly for NZ
Crohn's disease costs New Zealand more than $58 million annually, according to new research from the University of Otago, Christchurch.
Stressed babies adjust growth
Male and female babies will respond to a stress during pregnancy by adjusting their growth patterns differently, according to new research at the University of Adelaide.
Transplant drugs give same risk
Kidney transplant recipients are known to have a higher risk of cancer, compared to the general population, due to the need to take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent organ rejection. ...
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