Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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New drug delivery method - nanoparticles ride on red cells
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara have discovered that attaching polymeric nanoparticles to the surface of red blood cells dramatically increases the in vivo ...
NSW: Tax cuts may undermine dental care spending
The Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) has welcomed the recent budget announcements on additional infrastructure but has expressed disappointment that property tax cuts will ...
Monash University scientists unveil immune system working
Monash and Melbourne University scientists have helped unlock a 15-year mystery and advanced understanding of how the human immune system fights disease.
Ethical guidelines released on organ and tissue donation
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has publicly released the National Ethical Guidelines on Organ and Tissue Donation.
Federal Health Budget delivers mixed bag for NT
The Health Minister Chris Burns said while the Federal Budget is good as far as it goes, many of the health initiatives do not fit the Territory.
Nanomedicine opens way towards nerve cell regeneration
The ability to regenerate nerve cells in the body could reduce the effects of trauma and disease in a dramatic way.
New clinical trials facility welcomed for better health
WA’s premier adult medical research institute has welcomed the announcement that the State will soon become home to an early stage clinical trials facility, saying the move will give ...
Intravenous nanoparticle therapy for lung cancer
A cancer-suppressing gene has been successfully delivered into the tumors of stage 4 lung cancer patients via an intravenously administered lipid nanoparticle in a phase I clinical ...
New major discovery raises prospect of better patient care
Scientists at WEHI (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) have made a discovery with potentially profound implications for the care of patients, especially those ...
WA positive blood level samples ease worrying health concerns
The Department of Health has been encouraged by the results of almost 100 blood samples taken from Esperance residents, which reveal lead levels well below the recommended guidelines. ...
Australian Democrats tell govt to listen more to doctors
The Australian Democrats have thrown their support behind the AMA's Federal Budget Submission released recently.
Doctors in five countries see decline in quality of care
New international survey reveals physician concerns with medical errors, a shortage of nurses, and inadequate facilities.
AMA concerns on smartcard legislation failing privacy test
AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, has urged Federal MPs to vote against the Government’s proposed Health and Social Services Access Card (Smartcard) legislation because it fails ...
Medicine of future: cell-like nanofactories inside the body
Without doubt, nanotechnology is having a major impact on medicine and the treatment of disease, notably in imaging and targeted drug delivery. Source: Michael Berger, Nanowerk LLC
Access card begins to look too much like the sneaky card
The AMA’s submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration Inquiry into the Access Card legislation reiterates the AMA’s concerns around privacy and ...
AMA supports Smartcard Taskforce's recommendations
The AMA shares the view of the Access Card Consumer and Privacy Taskforce that people will need to be careful and cautious about the information they volunteer to be stored on the ...
Better GP training to be given to medical practioners in rural areas
The Australian Medical Council has granted initial accreditation to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) to provide general practice training.
New rebate means better deal for intellectually disabled
Intellectually disabled Australians will soon enjoy better access to quality health services, thanks to a new Medicare rebate created at the AMA’s urging, AMA President, Dr Mukesh ...
AMA says hospitals are in desperate need of more beds, not chairs
The AMA (WA) says the State Government must immediately provide 100 more public hospital beds if it wants to avoid the embarrassment of patients being placed on chairs and other ...
Scientists have found new way to allow drugs to enter cancer cells
Scientists at Rice University and pediatric specialists at Baylor College of Medicine have discovered a new way to use Rice's famed buckyball nanoparticles as passkeys that allows ...
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