Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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Aussie health system needs to integrate services more efficiently
In our second special feature on healthcare, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from ...
Greater transparency and consultation needed in health service
In our third special feature on healthcare in Australia, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from ...
Australian health system is in need of much better resources
Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from about what is wrong with the current health ...
More funds made available for diagnostic and pathology services
The Australian Government will provide more than $70 million in additional funding to Medicare for diagnostic imaging and pathology services.
Health spending in Australia has grown from 10% to $87 billion
Health expenditure in Australia was $87.3 billion in 2004-05, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Steroid injections don't offer long-term relief from Tennis Elbow
Researchers in Australia tested different treatments on three separate groups of patients with tennis elbow.
Perth researchers have found the answer to liver transplants
Two medical researchers from Perth have returned home after telling the world’s leading scientists at a USA conference of their work that could potentially end the need for liver ...
Elective surgery waiting list not as good as Government claims
AMA Victoria President Dr Mark Yates said the State Government’s latest elective surgery waiting list figures were not as healthy as the State Government had indicated.
Sentinel Event program makes healthcare in WA even safer
New safety procedures are having a major impact in reducing the number of serious health care incidents in Western Australian hospitals, according to a Department of Health report.
Critical information about chronic diseases shared online
Cystic Fibrosis Australia administers the National Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry.
Emergency specialists linked with regional Australians
Telstra and CSIRO have announced an agreement to provide hospitals with a tele-health solution that could help ease emergency specialist shortages in regional Australia.
Major collaboration to accelerate HIV vaccine development
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced 16 grants totaling $287 million to create an international network of highly collaborative research consortia focused on accelerating ...
Virtual reality system for training practice of ear surgery
The CSIRO ICT Centre, Medic Vision Pty Ltd and the University of Melbourne have signed an agreement for the commercial development of a virtual reality (VR) system for teaching ...
Paralysed patients able to convert thoughts into actions
A multi-institutional team of researchers has found that people with long-standing, severe paralysis can generate signals in the area of the brain responsible for voluntary movement ...
Tomorrow’s ‘New Medicine’ touted as a bionic revolution
As modern lifestyles and an ageing population cause a rapid decline in our health, Bio3, a futuristic initiative of the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Medicine is bringing new ...
Home telehealth market could reach US$2.1 billion by 2010
A recently released white paper provided by Parks Associates concludes that "technological advances are taking over the home health industry." According to the report, the home health ...
New scoring system predicts gastric bypass surgery risk
Duke University Medical Center surgeons have developed a simple scoring system based on five patient characteristics that can predict which candidates for gastric bypass surgery ...
$1.4 million in international grants for Aussie scientists
Five Australian scientists will receive approximately $1.4 million in grants awarded under the prestigious international Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).
Australian technology approved as cervical cancer vaccine
It is the world's first cervical cancer vaccine and has been approved in the United States. In addition, it could be on the shelves in Australia by the end of the year.
Eye software analyses image of eye to predict diseases and strokes
Predicting the risk of cardio-vascular disease has won Professor Tien Wong of the Centre for Eye Research Australia the Minister's Award for Excellence in Health and Medical Research ...
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