Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Older non-smokers gain most from tobacco ban
Older people who have never smoked benefit most from smoking bans, a study suggests.
The healing history  3/15/2010
The healing history
Peter Pinnington has been working in Indigenous health and education for over thirty years.
NSW research presented to international conference
The results from an Australia-first study is being presented to the 25th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International in Greece this week.
Health reforms fail to address aged care
Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) has welcomed the Prime Minister’s launch of the 'National Health and Hospitals Network' though expressed concern that the reform agenda fails ...
Benefits of making your business look good to society
If you want to turn a profit, you've got to win over the approval of society. Bad business behaviour or unethical practices promote a questionable reputation and puts a definitive ...
Project management: How to deliver bad news
Bad news and project management seem to go hand in hand. No matter how well you plan, how detailed your documentation, how dedicated your team, there may still be problems. But there ...
Understanding the relationship between business & ethics
The relationship between business and ethics is intrinsically entwined. A successful company is one which can effectively recognise and cultivate the relationship which exists between ...
Project management: Tips for conflict resolution
Every individual is unique. Because of differing personalities, opinions, or points of view, conflict between human beings is virtually inevitable. As a project manager, you should ...
Comments sought on $52m research collaboration program
The Rudd Labor Government has released a discussion paper on the Collaborative Research Networks (CRN) program – the first of its kind in Australia – which will provide $52 million, ...
How to be a manager that gets things done
A manager gets things done via his or her people: by managing and leading them well, through the use of technical, human, and conceptual skills. In essence, he needs to perform the ...
Blood tests predict rheumatoid arthritis ahead of symptoms
Researchers from University Hospital in Umea, Sweden, have identified several cytokines, cytokine-related factors, and chemokines that increase significantly prior to rheumatoid ...
Flu vaccines: Poor evidence for effectiveness in elderly
Evidence for the safety and efficacy of influenza vaccines in the over 65s is poor, despite the fact that vaccination has been recommended for the prevention of influenza in older ...
Flexible work helps blood pressure, sleep, mental health
There is evidence to suggest that flexible working might be beneficial for employees' health if they are allowed to have input into their own working patterns, a review by Cochrane ...
Overweight 70+ adults less likely to die over 10 year period
Adults aged over 70 years who are classified as overweight are less likely to die over a ten year period than adults who are in the 'normal' weight range, according to a new study ...
Research reveals link between beer and bone health
A new study suggests that beer is a significant source of dietary silicon, a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density.
Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't hinder computing skills
A recent study by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh found that workers with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were comparable to non-impaired individuals in keyboarding speed.
Nurses: Violence part of job, only 1 in 6 incidents reported
Three-quarters of nurses providing private and public care experienced workplace violence, but only one in six incidents were formally reported, according to study published in the ...
Management tips employees would give their bosses
The following tips primarily lead back to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated". As an employer, place yourself in the employee's shoes. How would you like ...
Most Drs don’t discuss end-of-life with the terminally-ill
Despite guidelines in the US recommending that physicians discuss end-of-life options with terminally-ill patients who have less than a year to live, most who see cancer patients ...
Aged care welcomes focus on ageing
Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) has welcomed the focus by the Prime Minister on the impact of ageing on the Australian economy and our capacity to meet future social, aged ...
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