Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Better GP training to be given to medical practioners in rural areas
The Australian Medical Council has granted initial accreditation to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) to provide general practice training.
New rebate means better deal for intellectually disabled
Intellectually disabled Australians will soon enjoy better access to quality health services, thanks to a new Medicare rebate created at the AMA’s urging, AMA President, Dr Mukesh ...
New study finds method of tailoring therapy to treat different cancers
A current study in the British Journal of Cancer, which looks at a receptor molecule that plays a key role in therapy has revealed that identical cellular structures can perform ...
New insight into dementia in Australia reveals need for better care
As the Australian population grows and ages, the number of people with dementia is expected to rise, increasing the requirement for appropriate care services and placing significant ...
New convention proposal for human embryonic stem cell derivation
Experts have proposed a new convention for the reporting on the derivation of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines. The proposal also includes recommendations on the minimum ...
Data on practice nurses will now be included in GP activity report
Data on practice nurses has been analysed for the first time in the most recent Bettering the Evaluation And Care of Health program (BEACH) report, released by the Australian Institute ...
The true equality for Indigenous Australians to be national priority
Australians must be a national priority as Australia celebrates 40 years of counting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as full citizens, AMA Vice President, Dr Choong-Siew ...
Academics secure nearly $10m in grants to improve patient safety
Improving patient safety in hospitals and preventing the spread of chronic diseases are the focus of two Monash University projects receiving funding in grant allocations of more ...
Report shows increased support needed for GPs and rural doctors
Crucial new figures show the Government must do more to train and support general practitioners to ensure all Australians are able to access GPs where and when they need them, AMA ...
PBS extension gets put into action to benefit osteroporosis patients
The Australian Government has extended the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listing of the osteoporosis medication, alendronate.
Australian scientists are very pleased with therapeutic cloning vote
Australian stem cell scientists are very pleased with the decision in the House of Representatives to allow somatic cell nuclear transfer, also known as therapeutic cloning.
The Department of Health promotes community data awareness
The Department of Health has launched new resources to boost awareness about its data collections and improve understanding about how health information is collected, used and ...
Nano-devices hold great promise for early-stage cancer detection
They are miniature labs that can be swallowed like a pill, injected through a catheter, or woven into fabric. Source: McMaster University
Aussie health system needs to integrate services more efficiently
In our second special feature on healthcare, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from MedicalSearch.com ...
Greater transparency and consultation needed in health service
In our third special feature on healthcare in Australia, Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from ...
Australian health system is in need of much better resources
Prue Power, the executive director of the Australian Healthcare Association, speaks exclusively to Rodney Appleyard from MedicalSearch.com about what is wrong with the current health ...
Let's bite the bullet on oral and dental health and fix the problems
With national leadership and affordable new expenditure, Australia could fix the terrible state of oral and dental health among its adults.
Number of women surviving from ovarian cancer is on the rise
More Australian women are surviving ovarian cancer, but still more than half of those diagnosed will not survive five years, says the latest national report on ovarian cancer released ...
More funds made available for diagnostic and pathology services
The Australian Government will provide more than $70 million in additional funding to Medicare for diagnostic imaging and pathology services.
$2 Million for innovative device to detect eye diseases sooner
Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane, has announced $2 million in funding for an ACT innovation that will see earlier detection of eye diseases, like glaucoma, and provide more effective ...
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