Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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1 in 20 Australian deaths caused by alcohol and illicit drugs
‘Alcohol and illicit drugs have a significant impact on the health of Australians, together responsible for nearly 1 in every 20 deaths, according to new analysis from the Australian ...
GPs call for end to political interference in medicinal cannabis
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has welcomed moves by the New South Wales State Government as an opportunity to move towards a national medicinal cannabis ...
Stronger flu vaccinations for Australians over the age of 65
The Royal Australia College of General Practitioners welcomes the Turnbull Government’s decision to provide stronger free flu vaccines to all Australians over the age of 65, but says ...
Medicinal cannabis: the challenge for physicians
Physicians and regulators face significant challenges keeping pace with the public’s demand for access to medical cannabis, including limited evidence of safety and efficacy, according ...
GPs call for political focus on rising patient out-of-pocket costs
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has offered political leaders a solution to the increasing out-of-pocket costs plaguing Australian patients.
Waiting times for elective surgery slightly up
Nationally, waiting times for elective surgery have slightly risen, according to a report released on the 21st of December by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). ...
Low dose codeine ineffective for most pain relief
The best medical advice and research shows that codeine is no better for pain than other over the counter medicines, Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy, said ...
Research under way for new type 1 diabetes treatment
Researchers at The University of Queensland are hoping a new form of immunotherapy could lead to better treatment of type 1 diabetes.
What is sleep apnea (apnoea)?
If you have exhausted patients, their partners complain about their snoring, or they’re falling asleep at work or while driving, they may have sleep apnea. Early intervention could ...
Hip fractures can be prevented
Hip fractures are all too common in the elderly.
Huge compo win should be a warning to employers
A recent landmark compensation case awarded to a Queensland man, and covered in the Sunshine Coast Daily, highlights the dangers of forcing workers to move and lift heavy loads all ...
Fallshaw Group partners with HFESA for 2017 ergonomics conference
We were on hand for this year's Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA) conference to help reinforce the message of safety and ergonomics in the workplace.
More home care packages urgently needed
The AMA has welcomed the Government’s announcement of 6,000 extra high need home care packages, following the release of the Legislated Review of Aged Care 2017 Report, but says more ...
Flu vaccination for aged care workers to protect residents
The Australian Government will investigate ways to boost vaccination rates among workers in aged care facilities, including making the flu vaccine compulsory, following an increase ...
$40 million for dementia research projects
The Turnbull Government is allocating more than $40 million to medical research projects which will improve the lives of Australians fighting dementia.
Working with communities to deliver better health
The nation’s Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are being encouraged to work closely with communities to tackle health challenges and improve the wellbeing of all Australians.
Role of doctors in aged care workforce to be considered
The Doctor's role will be considered as part of the aged care sector workforce following ongoing lobbying by the AMA.
Palliative care hospitalisations rising for Australians at end-of-life
New data has revealed that hospitalisations for palliative care are growing faster than all hospitalisations, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
More gray hair linked to higher risk of heart disease
Greying hair and coronary heart disease share some of the same mechanisms that come with ageing. A new observational study links the two events, suggesting that grey hair may be an ...
Doctors need to take holistic view of patient medications: RACP
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) is encouraging doctors to take a holistic view of medication use with research revealing Australians over 65 take 5.6 medications ...
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