Disinfection & Sterilisation Feature Articles

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More cases of cancer in young Australians but survival has improved
More young Australians are being diagnosed with cancer, but survival prospects have improved markedly in this younger age group, according to a report released today by the Australian ...
Momentum grows for tobacco reform
The Eliminate Cancer Initiative, part of the Minderoo Foundation, welcomes the decision by the Health Minister’s Council to refer T21 laws, raising the minimum legal age for purchasing ...
Timing of influenza vaccination critical for Australian patients
Timing of influenza vaccination is critical to ensuring patients have the highest level of protection from the influenza virus when the flu season commences.
Calls for routine flu shot for young children
After a bumper flu season last year, research has sparked calls for the seasonal influenza vaccine to be publicly funded to boost the uptake of vaccinations of vulnerable young ...
Breakthrough could lead to better drugs to tackle diabetes and obesity
Breakthrough research at Monash University has shown how different areas of major diabetes and obesity drug targets can be ‘activated’, guiding future drug development and better ...
‘Forgotten’ antibiotic offers hope against worst superbugs
An antibiotic overlooked since its discovery 40 years ago could help develop new drugs against life-threatening infections caused by some of the world’s most dangerous superbugs.
One-third of emergency patients need help with drug & alcohol problems
One-third of people presenting to NSW emergency departments have underlying drug and alcohol problems, yet only a small number get appropriate treatment, UNSW research has found.
New booklet debunks anti-vaccination myths
The AMA has joined forces with the Australian Academy of Science to promote and distribute the Academy’s revised and updated booklet, The Science of Immunisation: Questions and ...
Further evidence backs RACGP call to lift the Medicare freeze
New evidence shows that there is no budget emergency in health, and that the Federal Government cannot continue to justify the freeze on Medicare patient rebates, according to the ...
All pharmacists are medicines specialists: PSA
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) today reiterated the extensive medicines expertise of all pharmacists, regardless of the setting in which they practice.
Funding reprieve for general practice welcomed by AMA
The AMA has welcomed the decision by Health Minister Sussan Ley to extend the deadline for general practices to comply with the new Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Digital Health ...
National terms and conditions for the employment of GP Registrars
The AMA is pleased to advise that General Practice Registrars Australia (GPRA) and General Practice Supervisors Australia (GPSA) have reached agreement on the National Terms and ...
New guidelines for GPs to help manage the type 2 diabetes epidemic
GPs are now better prepared to manage the enormous increase of type 2 diabetes in Australia after the release of the latest edition of the new "General practice management of type ...
Higher disease burden for Indigenous Australians, but improving
While Indigenous Australians face a substantially higher disease burden than non-Indigenous Australians, improvements have been seen, with more possible, according to a new report ...
85 out of 100 Australians say they’re healthy - but are we really?
Most Australians consider themselves to be in good health, according to the latest two-yearly report card from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
Cancer Institute NSW grant brings advanced genomics technology to Aus
Researchers across NSW will be able to explore genomic changes in cancer cells more comprehensively than ever before, following Garvan’s acquisition of the ‘Chromium Genome Solution’ ...
Draconian PIP requirements another hit to general practice
AMA Vice President, Dr Tony Bartone, said recently that tough new changes to the Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Digital Health Incentive requirements could leave many individual ...
More admissions and surgeries at NSW hospitals
NSW hospitals are admitting more patients and performing more elective surgeries than ever before, according to the latest Bureau of Health Information (BHI) report.
Investing in rural doctor training pays off for rural communities
The AMA has intensified its call for increased Federal Government investment in rural training opportunities for doctors amid mounting evidence that it would improve access to health ...
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