Orthopaedics & Podiatry Feature Articles

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Health system "inefficiencies" addressed in govt white paper
Which level of government should really be responsible for the funding, policy, regulation and delivery of services in the health sector in Australia?
Mixed response to Coalition's co-payment backflip
PM Tony Abbott has dismissed the dumping of the $7 GP co-payment plan in favour of an exclusive $5 one as a policy backdown, telling reporters it was about making the system "work". ...
Occupational Injury Risks Faced By Orthopaedic Surgeons
Orthopaedic surgeons help many individuals in the process of recovering from injuries acquired in the workplace, but are they themselves at a high risk of occupational injury?
Govt's $538m medical research fund provides critical boost
Funding worth more than $538 million to help researchers find cures, treatments and medical devices of the future has been announced by the federal government.
'Inspire' key theme of national doctors conference
Is there a doctor in the house? If there was ever a time to be unwell in Adelaide it would be during the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) annual conference, ...
'Strong, sustainable' health system benefits rural, regional Australia
The Australian Government is determined to improve access to health services for people living in rural and remote areas, saying it 'understands the challenges they face'.
GP fee should be scrapped for everyone: pensioners
Thanks for the thought, but we're just part of the bigger picture. That's the message a major pensioners lobby group is hoping to get across to the federal government amid continued ...
Medical Research Future Fund: will industry actually benefit?
The government's proposed $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund can put Australia on the world map by driving and delivering cutting-edge, lifesaving innovation – so long as it ...
"Very difficult" commonwealth policy affected NSW budget
The Mike Baird-led Liberal government has left NSW patients high and dry by ignoring the need for increased basic funding to hospitals in its pre-election budget, Opposition Leader ...
Review your business systems, prepare for successful financial year
As the End of Financial Year approaches, The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is encouraging businesses to review their existing systems and processes to prepare for a successful ...
COAG health system improvements 'threatened' by Budget measures
There are some notable health system improvements detailed in COAG Reform Council Healthcare Performance Report, however these could be reversed as a result of the government's latest ...
GP co-payments: readers have their say
It has been nearly a month since the federal government delivered the 2014 Federal Budget.
Unwarranted surgery 'costing millions'
A new government report into the dramatic variations in rates for some surgical procedures should spur a vigorous response to curb unwarranted surgery costing the taxpayer many ...
Health minister 'let down' by colleagues on co-payment sell
The proposed GP co-payment scheme is a practical measure necessary for the long-term sustainability of Medicare however Health Minister Peter Dutton has been "let down" by colleagues ...
Budget 2014: more for medical research, less for hospitals
A bright future lies ahead for medical research with the creation of the 'world's largest medical research endowment fund', although $15 billion will be shaved off the commonwealth's ...
Voters 'strongly opposed' to Medicare co-payment plan: poll
Most Australians oppose paying to see a doctor and believe a co-payment will simply mean more people going to emergency departments, new research commissioned by the Consumers Health ...
Tips for maintaining good posture despite ageing
For many, one of the most stereotypical images of old age is a "dowager's hump" and slumped-over posture.
NCA recommendations slammed by key health bodies
Five key health organisations have written to Tony Abbott to express deep concern in relation to the reports and recommendations of the National Commission of Audit (NCA), which ...
GPs called on to participate in landmark aged care survey
GPs are being asked to participate in an important new survey that aims to map the provision of palliative care and advance care planning services around Australia for the first time. ...
Fed budget: GP co-payments, Medicare Locals future "uncertain"
The federal government's first budget due out next month (May 2014) will include a six dollar co-payment for bulk-billed GP visits and could mean an uncertain future for Medicare ...
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