Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Project develops intelligent textiles to monitor people's health
Integrating bio-chemical sensors into textiles for continuous monitoring of a person's health is the goal of the EU-funded BIOTEX ('Bio-sensing textile for health management') project. ...
Federal Health Budget delivers mixed bag for NT
The Health Minister Chris Burns said while the Federal Budget is good as far as it goes, many of the health initiatives do not fit the Territory.
Nanomedicine opens way towards nerve cell regeneration
The ability to regenerate nerve cells in the body could reduce the effects of trauma and disease in a dramatic way.
Aust scientists identify core enzyme inside 85% of cancers
Research into cancer, anticancer treatments, and ageing has been advanced through the identification of the composition of human telomerase - an enzyme integral to 85% of all cancers. ...
Research breakthrough in movement disorders,mental illness
A Monash research team co-led by Professor James Whisstock and Associate Professor Merrill Rowley has solved the structure of two key proteins that function to control human movement ...
Study begun into how air pollution effects children's health
The Australian Child Health and Air Pollution Study (ACHAPS) will investigate the relationship between air quality and respiratory health by testing 3,200 students from 60 primary ...
Immune cell discovery spells hope for chemotherapy patients
Monash University scientist, Professor Richard Boyd has identified a group of cells that help to rebuild the immune system following chemotherapy.
NHMRC says that HIV and AIDS link is ‘overwhelming’
Australia’s peak medical research and advice body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), has spoken out strongly in support of the link between the human ...
Aged care complaints set to recieve a much better hearing
People who receive Australian Government-subsidised aged care will have a new and better way of having concerns and complaints dealt with.
New clinical trials facility welcomed for better health
WA’s premier adult medical research institute has welcomed the announcement that the State will soon become home to an early stage clinical trials facility, saying the move will give ...
Intravenous nanoparticle therapy for lung cancer
A cancer-suppressing gene has been successfully delivered into the tumors of stage 4 lung cancer patients via an intravenously administered lipid nanoparticle in a phase I clinical ...
Australian marsupials cast doubt on female gene theory
Scientists studying the kangaroo genome have cast doubt on the credentials of a gene thought to be crucial to the process of inactivating one sex chromosome in women.
A$3.55 mln more funding to support people with dementia
Victorians with dementia, their families and carers will benefit from a $3.55 million funding boost from the Bracks Government, Community Services Minister Gavin Jennings has said.
Many GPS are contributing to the fight against mental illness
A new report, Mental health services in Australia 2004-05, released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that 10.8% of all encounters with general practitioners ...
New direction of stem cell research for Multiple Sclerosis
Professor Claude Bernard from the Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories (MISCL) has received a $500,000 competitive grant to fund a new direction of research in stem-cell ...
People with MS spend over 20% of income on healthcare
The cost of living with MS or similar conditions is high, and in some cases is an overwhelming burden.
A new study tests oral insulin to prevent Type 1 diabetes
Researchers have begun a clinical study of oral insulin to prevent or delay type 1 diabetes in at-risk people, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced.
New major discovery raises prospect of better patient care
Scientists at WEHI (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) have made a discovery with potentially profound implications for the care of patients, especially those ...
WA positive blood level samples ease worrying health concerns
The Department of Health has been encouraged by the results of almost 100 blood samples taken from Esperance residents, which reveal lead levels well below the recommended guidelines. ...
New insight into expected rising growth of dementia in Aust
As the Australian population grows and ages, the number of people with dementia is expected to rise, increasing the requirement for appropriate care services and placing significant ...
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