Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Health Care Home trial must be properly funded: AMA
In AMA Family Doctor Week, the AMA is calling on the Federal Government to allocate appropriate funding for the trial of the Health Care Home model of care for patients with chronic ...
Qld scientists discover new distant relative of dengue virus
A new strain of dengue virus discovered by Queensland scientists could help researchers evaluate the effectiveness of potential vaccines and treatments for the disease.
RACGP calls on govt to address urgent reform of primary healthcare
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has called for the Federal Government to quickly address plans to sustain and improve our health system, focusing specifically ...
Primary healthcare research funding inadequate: RACGP
General practice health services are among the most efficient and cost-effective in the nation, consuming only 7% of Australia's total health spend on Medicare while assisting almost ...
Skin cancers common, but melanoma rates falling for young people
Skin cancers overall account for the largest number of cancers diagnosed in Australia each year and Australia has the world's second highest melanoma incidence rates, according to ...
Urgent national overhaul needed for reliable general practice data
The latest Issues Brief from the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research emphasises the need to urgently address the lack of reliable national primary health data, particularly ...
Leveraging digital technology to improve the patient experience
Recently, we covered the rise of telemedicine, a rapidly growing industry estimated to reach US $86.7 billion in 2023, growing from just $21.1 billion in 2014.
Time for strategic vision and leadership for health: AHHA
All options should be on table as we reconsider health funding that delivers affordable care with equity of access.
Australia's first national health card released
Australia’s Health Tracker was released 5 July 2016 by Australian Health Policy Collaboration (AHPC) at Victoria University and supported by 50 health and welfare organisations.
RACGP calls for focus on improving primary healthcare
The absolute first priority for the incoming Government should be to end the extended freeze on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
New historic laws to give Victorians a clearer say on end-of-life-care
Victorians have a chance to shape how new historic laws will be implemented to give people greater powers to set directives about their future medical treatment, including end-of-life ...
Telemedicine set to become mainstream
Though it raises a host of questions for regulators, providers, insurers and patients alike - telemedicine is here and it’s set to become mainstream, and fast!
NSW continues to drive innovation in medical research
The NSW Government continues to advance medical research in NSW through investment in the 2016-17 Budget.
Everyone's responsibility to reduce dependence of antibiotics: PSA
All health professionals - including pharmacists - as well as consumers have a responsibility to reduce the dependence of antibiotics in Australia, according to the peak national ...
AMA welcomes Labor's $2 billion commitment for public hospitals
The AMA welcomes Labor’s commitment to inject an extra $2 billion into the public hospital system and to provide $100 million for a trial of patient-centred medical homes in primary ...
Are Australian health and medical researchers destined to disappear?
During 2015, I'd had personal conversations with Professor Andrew Sinclair, a professor of nutritional science and an award-winning researcher with over 300 publications spanning ...
'Record high' bulk-billing rates creating a false impression: RACGP
"The devil is in the detail as it's a complex story that cannot be reduced to a convenient sound bite," according to Dr Frank R Jones president of The Royal Australian College of ...
'Right doctors' still needed for rural and remote Australia: ACRRM
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has responded to reports of an oversupply of GPs, saying that despite increasing numbers, a significant maldistribution ...
Demand on NSW emergency department soars in summer months
Demand on NSW hospitals continues to rise significantly, with more emergency department presentations than ever before over the 2016 summer months.
Healthcare reforms must maximise potential of pharmacists: PSA
Exploring innovative models of interprofessional care and better utilising the role of pharmacists in healthcare are cost-effective, evidence-based reforms an elected Federal Government ...
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