Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Feature Articles

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Interviewing to Find the Right Nurse for Your Practice
Your staff are at the very core of your medical practice and finding the right nurses to give the best patient care is essential. Given that you usually only have a resume and an ...
Landmark study highlights value of medication reviews
A study on the impact of medication reviews in Australia has highlighted the benefits of such services and found they are valuable in identifying medication-related problems, improving ...
How to buy the right wheelchairs for your aged care patients
It is essential that your aged care facility is equipped with the optimal equipment to allow your patients to have the best experience.
Organisations unite to fight Budget cuts to vital health services
A coalition of 17 peak and non-government organisations from the health and community sectors is calling on the Australian Government to scrap plans to cut nearly $800 million in ...
How to improve your patients' hospital experience
A visit to the hospital can be a stressful experience for patients and their families.
Life-changing prosthetic devices to 'remain unattainable' long term
"The implications of lost sensation and tactile feedback resulting from amputation are issues that have yet to be widely addressed by prosthetic manufacturers," says Jennifer Ryan, ...
Dynamic arm supports providing independence to those with disability
MedicalSearch spoke to Wim Hartog about dynamic arm supports, and their important role in providing improved disability access, independence and increased potential for individuals, ...
What to consider when buying an examination table
An examination table for patients is an important asset at your practice. Knowing what to look for can save you time and money, ensuring all your patients have access to appropriate ...
Why quality carries weight in bariatric equipment
Across the world, there is an increasing obesity epidemic and the need for quality equipment for bariatric patients is growing.
New research confirms benefits of chondroitin for osteoarthritis
The Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) today welcomed new research that confirmed the benefits of chondroitin sulphate for osteoarthritis.
Consult across the sector on Medicare, health minister urged
The federal government is not learning from mistakes of the past with its continued "narrow consultation" on Medicare reforms, health lobby groups have said.
3D printing speeds up bone replacement for damaged skulls
A biomedical engineering team has developed a new low cost method for producing bone replacement implants for severely damaged skulls.
'Annual fee' model an answer to govt's Medicare woes
The government is struggling to sell its Medicare co-payment reform because its sole emphasis is on cost control, when it should also be about supporting quality and equity, according ...
Autopsy of a dead policy: what now for Medicare?
The government has backed down from its plan to cut Medicare rebates to doctors – which was to start on January 19 – after several days of public pressure.
Simple patient discharge letter 'increases knowledge significantly'
A simply-worded letter directed at hospital patients and given to them prior to discharge from hospital can immediately improve their understanding of in-hospital tests and post-discharge ...
Dutton 'worst health minister in living memory': poll
What a way to end one's ministerial term. Former Health Minister Peter Dutton has been ranked the worst health minister in living memory in a survey conducted by Australian Doctor ...
Robotic soccer ball makes sports accessible for the blind
A robotic soccer ball is set to improve social ball game participation for people with visual impairment, thanks to a team of Queensland researchers and Vision Australia.
Almost half the nation concerned about bad health
In a recent survey result with the potential to alarm medical professionals, almost half the Australian population say they are worried about the current state of their health.
How to inspire patients into exercise therapy commitment
There is little doubt about the importance of physical activity in achieving and maintaining optimal health.
Great expectations: 'naïve optimism' about medical care
"It might do me some good and it won’t hurt to give it a go." How often have you heard a phrase like this?
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