Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Government has provided funds for new breast cancer treatments
The Australian Government will add two drugs for the treatment of breast cancer to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Model predicts inheritable genetic defects with colon cancer
Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University and other institutions have developed a new prediction model for genetic defects known as Lynch syndrome, which predisposes families to ...
Health spending in Australia has grown from 10% to $87 billion
Health expenditure in Australia was $87.3 billion in 2004-05, according to a new report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Steroid injections don't offer long-term relief from Tennis Elbow
Researchers in Australia tested different treatments on three separate groups of patients with tennis elbow.
Perth researchers have found the answer to liver transplants
Two medical researchers from Perth have returned home after telling the world’s leading scientists at a USA conference of their work that could potentially end the need for liver ...
Controversy over hospitals and universities diverting funds
The Australian Medical Students' Association is calling for an investigation into claims that hospitals and universities are diverting funds away from clinical training.
Elective surgery waiting list not as good as Government claims
AMA Victoria President Dr Mark Yates said the State Government’s latest elective surgery waiting list figures were not as healthy as the State Government had indicated.
Sentinel Event program makes healthcare in WA even safer
New safety procedures are having a major impact in reducing the number of serious health care incidents in Western Australian hospitals, according to a Department of Health report.
Clinical Networks need more funding to improve health care
Improvements in health care delivery in WA through the establishment of Clinical Networks will only be achieved if they have the necessary funding and resources to do the job properly ...
Australia's Gold Coast to host 2009 World Transplant Games
Australia's Gold Coast has again proven to be unbeatable - this time winning the international race to host the 2009 World Transplant Games, Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has ...
Opportunities open up in Pharma RFID and Smart Packaging
RFID in healthcare is growing rapidly to become a $2.1 billion global business in 2016. Smart packaging for healthcare has additional value, for example, ensuring that people take ...
Nurse resignation rate looks set to increase in Queensland
Queensland Nurses Union (QNU) members at Uniting HealthCare (UHC) hospitals have voted overwhelmingly to reject a new enterprise bargaining agreement, which pays them less than public ...
New guidelines to help fast-track specialist care in WA
New referral guidelines for General Practitioners will help thousands of Western Australians receive better access to specialist care.
Breast stem cells have features similar to ‘basal’ tumours
The most aggressive form of breast cancer may originate from breast stem cells that have undergone genetic mishaps
Asthma and lung disease chronic in Australian hospitals
A new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare says asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could be a factor in more deaths and hospitalisations ...
Critical information about chronic diseases shared online
Cystic Fibrosis Australia administers the National Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry.
Increased funding plans to boost immunisation outcomes
Immunisation services will be strengthened with the Commonwealth Government increasing funding to state-based organisations through the General Practice Immunisation Incentives (GPII) ...
Cosy connection found between doctors and drug companies
The most comprehensive research ever conducted into the link between Australian medical professionals and drug companies has found that ethical guidelines are often breached. The ...
Study proves safety of spinal cord stem cell transplantation
Transplanting human embryonic stem cells does not cause harm and can be used as a therapeutic strategy for the treatment of acute spinal cord injury, according to a recent stufy by ...
First clinical test for saliva-based oral cancer detection
Oral cancer is the 6th most common cancer in men and the 14th most common cancer in women. In the US, oral cancer will be diagnosed in an estimated 30,000 Americans this year and ...
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