Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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Autoclaving Instructions for Sterilising
Exercise of due caution and compliance with stringent regulatory requirements is necessary when it comes to operating an autoclave.
Everybody benefits from regular exercise. If you have diabetes, or are at risk of diabetes it plays an important role in keeping you healthy.1
Voted Best BPM by Wirecutter
“With a comfortable cuff and easy readability, the A&D UA-767F is the best available monitor we found." - Wirecutter
Alkaline foods that can reduce your blood pressure.
Eating a more alkaline-based pH diet can provide numerous benefits to your body.
Benchtop Autoclaves - Should I Be Buying B Class?
Benchtop Autoclaves Are An Expensive Piece Of Equipment, Ensure That You Have What You Need For Your Requirements Now And Also In The Future.
Electrosurgical & Laser Smoke - Is Not Evacuating Smoke A Hazard?
Diathermy, Hyfrecator, Electrosurgical & Laser Smoke Plumes / Solutions For Evacuating Them
Electrosurgery - Your Questions Answered
The Use Of Diathermies & Electrosurgery Is Increasing Amongst All Types Of Medical Practices And Procedures.
What’s “Clinically Validated” got to do with blood pressure monitoring?
“Clinical validation” is one you’ll frequently read on blood pressure monitor packaging. But “clinically validated” can mean a number of different things – and not all monitors are ...
What can we learn from Japan’s healthcare technology revolution?
Japan’s plan to revolutionise its healthcare system through the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data is set to be an example for other countries.
Nutritious sustainable food vital to health of Australians
Australia’s future health depends strongly on the whole population having affordable, equal access to nutritious food that is produced sustainably - the core focus of the Food Futures ...
Exercises for better sleep
Whether you’re a hardcore gym junkie or prefer the less strenuous calmness that comes with mastering the downward dog, physical exercises have long been associated with a better ...
Lullabies and Sleepkillers: Snackcident Edition
The secret to sleeping without interruptions could be in your diet. It has long been known that consumption of certain foods before bed could promote or inhibit your ability to fall ...
Can doctors regain credibility in the fight against obesity
If you are one of the thousands of physicians and nurses tipping the scales into unhealthy territory, you’re losing credibility with your patients.
An inside scoop on the government's 'My Health Record'
With the approval of all the top health bodies in Australia, My Health Record (MHR) is said to provide improvement in the medical care given to patients.
What you need to know about My Health Record
Every Australian will soon have a My Health Record automatically created unless you opt out by 15 November 2018. The My Health record is an online summary of an individual’s health ...
Artificial intelligence could boost IVF success
Artificial intelligence (AI) is showing promising results in helping scientists to predict which embryos will result in IVF success.
New TGA guidelines on what better defines "Advertising"
On July 1st the TGA published online guidelines for advertisers that clarify among others what activities constitute advertising.
Connecting the best medtech ideas to global markets
Entrepreneurs in the medical device industry will be better equipped to build new businesses that create jobs and compete in overseas markets as a result of new funding from the ...
Cheaper medicine for thousands of Australian patients
The Australian Government will drastically reduce the cost of medicines to treat diabetes, cancer, arthritis, asthma and eye disease with new additions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits ...
New reports on e-cigarettes show risk to young users
A new comprehensive report released by the US NASEM, 'Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes' included a number of findings which further validate calls by the PHAA and other ...
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