Gynaecology & Obstetrics Feature Articles

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Blood test can predict early labour: study
A new blood test can predict whether women having signs of early labour will go on to give birth too soon, according to an international research team.
Budget 2014: more for medical research, less for hospitals
A bright future lies ahead for medical research with the creation of the 'world's largest medical research endowment fund', although $15 billion will be shaved off the commonwealth's ...
Voters 'strongly opposed' to Medicare co-payment plan: poll
Most Australians oppose paying to see a doctor and believe a co-payment will simply mean more people going to emergency departments, new research commissioned by the Consumers Health ...
NCA recommendations slammed by key health bodies
Five key health organisations have written to Tony Abbott to express deep concern in relation to the reports and recommendations of the National Commission of Audit (NCA), which ...
Fed budget: GP co-payments, Medicare Locals future "uncertain"
The federal government's first budget due out next month (May 2014) will include a six dollar co-payment for bulk-billed GP visits and could mean an uncertain future for Medicare ...
'Evolved' whooping cough bacterium may reduce vaccine effectiveness
The bacterium that causes whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis, has changed – most likely in response to the vaccine used to prevent the disease – with a possible reduced effectiveness ...
No "compelling reason" to own Medibank Private: govt
Following careful consideration of the scoping study commenced in November 2013, the federal government has decided to put Medibank Private up for sale through an initial public ...
'Concerning' number of people ignorant about breastfeeding
Research from Curtin University has discovered a concerning amount of people, especially men, acknowledge that breastfeeding is important to a child's health – but struggle to identify ...
Who's driving rising caesarean rates?
Where a woman gives birth – in a public or private hospital – is a key determinant of whether she has a caesarean section or not, according to findings from three consecutive surveys ...
Solarium ban: will it prevent skin cancer?
With the ban on commercial solariums coming into force this year, Flinders University's Dr Ivanka Prichard is questioning whether the new law will actually reduce skin cancer rates ...
Study disproves common midwifery care 'misconceptions'
University of Sydney research has found that pregnant women who see the same midwife throughout pregnancy are more likely to experience fewer interventions during birth.
More city doctors 'won't help' rural GP shortage
A new report shows growth in the number of doctors in Australia, but a leading medical expert says new solutions "are still needed" to solve an ongoing shortage of doctors in rural ...
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Online tool aims to slash specialist waiting times
Emergency departments across Victoria, and indeed Australia, are buckling under the weight of an oversupply of patients and an undersupply of specialists.
Tax tips for Australian businesses
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations.
Improving health and budget 'not necessarily mutually exclusive'
The long term sustainability of Australia's Medicare system is a pressing problem, but health minister Peter Dutton is right to avoid making any hasty decisions about reforming it, ...
More birth problems with IVF: study
A University of Adelaide study has shown that the risk of serious complications such as stillbirth, preterm birth, low birth weight and neonatal death is around twice as high for ...
Govt's proposal to end free GP visits slammed by doctors
A recent proposal by the federal government to charge fees for GP visits has been slammed by doctors, saying such a measure would place even greater pressure on public hospitals.
Govt's health funding cut 'threatens' critical infrastructure
The federal government's scrapping of the ALP's Priority Health Initiative program threatens to stall critical infrastructure and clinical service improvement programs across Australia, ...
Sweet water 'can calm' babies during immunisation
According to pain management specialist Professor Denise Harrison, an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne, breastfeeding and the use of sweet water can help to calm ...
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