Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Feature Articles

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Unlocking potential of stem cells to repair brain damage
An Australian scientist is hoping to unlock the potential of stem cells as a way of repairing neural damage to the brain.
Govt to inject $52m into palliative care services and training
The Australian government will provide $52 million over three years to improve palliative care services and training, the Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash, has announced.
Health minister 'let down' by colleagues on co-payment sell
The proposed GP co-payment scheme is a practical measure necessary for the long-term sustainability of Medicare however Health Minister Peter Dutton has been "let down" by colleagues ...
Budget 2014: more for medical research, less for hospitals
A bright future lies ahead for medical research with the creation of the 'world's largest medical research endowment fund', although $15 billion will be shaved off the commonwealth's ...
Massage the figures: wide access to medical research fund 'essential'
Tricia Hughes, CEO Australian Association of Massage Therapists (AAMT), has welcomed the announcement of a medical research fund providing it is available to a wide range of modalities ...
Voters 'strongly opposed' to Medicare co-payment plan: poll
Most Australians oppose paying to see a doctor and believe a co-payment will simply mean more people going to emergency departments, new research commissioned by the Consumers Health ...
NCA recommendations slammed by key health bodies
Five key health organisations have written to Tony Abbott to express deep concern in relation to the reports and recommendations of the National Commission of Audit (NCA), which ...
GPs called on to participate in landmark aged care survey
GPs are being asked to participate in an important new survey that aims to map the provision of palliative care and advance care planning services around Australia for the first time. ...
Fed budget: GP co-payments, Medicare Locals future "uncertain"
The federal government's first budget due out next month (May 2014) will include a six dollar co-payment for bulk-billed GP visits and could mean an uncertain future for Medicare ...
Recovery from stroke indeed 'a long walk'
Stepping up walking practice is the only way to improve walking ability for stroke survivors, according to a new large-scale study led by University of South Australia researchers.
Common foods found to have 'powerful' anti-inflammatory properties
Strong anti-inflammatory properties are present in a variety of common foods, researchers have discovered.
No "compelling reason" to own Medibank Private: govt
Following careful consideration of the scoping study commenced in November 2013, the federal government has decided to put Medibank Private up for sale through an initial public ...
Easing the burden of lower back pain
The University of South Australia is set to begin a new study into lower back pain, a condition which affects up to 80 per cent of Australian men and women at some stage in their ...
Quality of acupuncture needles 'needs to be improved'
While the quality of needles used in acupuncture worldwide is high, RMIT University researchers have found more needs to be done to increase safety and avoid potential problems such ...
'Red meat, strength training' can keep body in peak condition
Protein loading to improve muscle performance isn't just for athletes and bodybuilders, with Deakin University researchers finding that a protein rich diet incorporating lean red ...
Major role for chiropractors in osteoarthritis mgmt: new guidelines
Local muscle strengthening and general aerobic fitness together with manipulation and stretching should be the core treatments for managing osteoarthritis according to a major update ...
'Whole spine' approach to neck, back problems
Researchers from Australia and the US have created a new tool to help health professionals improve their treatment of patients experiencing neck or back pain.
More city doctors 'won't help' rural GP shortage
A new report shows growth in the number of doctors in Australia, but a leading medical expert says new solutions "are still needed" to solve an ongoing shortage of doctors in rural ...
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Online tool aims to slash specialist waiting times
Emergency departments across Victoria, and indeed Australia, are buckling under the weight of an oversupply of patients and an undersupply of specialists.
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