Orthopaedics & Podiatry Feature Articles

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Bionic muscle regeneration within reach
Car accident victims and cancer patients are among those who may benefit from a University of Wollongong breakthrough in the use of nanostructured bionic platforms to regenerate ...
Sun, sand, the sea - and a boob job
The combination of sun, sand, the sea and a boob job is proving an irresistible lure to scores of young Australian women travelling to exotic destinations for cosmetic surgery.
Complaints data shortage a problem for health system
A lack of national data on health care complaints is a major obstacle to making improvements to the health care system, a study led by the University of Sydney claims.
How healthy are our nurses?
There are about 270,000 nurses working in Australia but little is known about their health and wellbeing and how it can impact patient care.
When considering bariatric surgery think about bones
Bariatric surgery, which significantly curtails the amount of food a person can eat, is the most effective treatment against obesity and is being recognised as a potentially valuable ...
A cure for tennis elbow?
The search for a cure for tennis elbow is heating up at the Griffith University Centre for Musculoskeletal Research.
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
A new approach to deadly influenza outbreaks in nursing homes
In developed countries people over 65 years old are the most likely to die from an influenza outbreak and people in nursing homes, where the virus is difficult to control, are ...
The battle diggers face after war
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Australian troops, withdrawal from Afghanistan will simply bring a new battle - with mental illness.
Depression: experts outline innovative approaches
Depression can be a stubborn problem — at least one in three patients fail to respond to proven therapies — and experts in the field have put their heads together to outline practical ...
Infectious disease risk low priority for Australian travellers
New research led by the University of Sydney's Family Medicine Research Centre reveals many Australians are inadequately protecting against potentially serious infectious diseases ...
What if your antibiotics didn't work?
Experts call for simple measures to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance.
Early diagnosis for foot posture problems
A recent study from La Trobe University’s Musculoskeletal Research Centre has found that foot posture can be quickly and reliably identified by using a simple carbon-paper imprint, ...
Health workers encouraged to ask  R U OK?
With an estimated 13 million Australians aware of R U OK? Day and 1 in 5 taking part in 2011, this year’s R U OK? Day on September 13 is set to encourage even more Australians health ...
Mechanisms of acquired chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
The presence of multiple ovarian cancer genomes in an individual patient and the absence or downregulation of the gene LRP1B are associated with the development of chemoresistance ...
The ethics of human organ and tissue transplantation
Dead bodies are big business. There is a growing and very lucrative trade in human tissue — but how will the Australian medical industry keep up with the associated technologies ...
Divine healing: spirituality in nursing and palliative care
Older more experienced nurses working in palliative care are more likely to include spiritual caring in their day-to-day professional activities compared to their younger counterparts ...
Neuroscience doctorate to 'Dark Knight' mass murderer
James Eagen Holmes came from a well-tended San Diego enclave of two-storey homes with red-tiled roofs, where neighbours recall him as a clean-cut, studious young man of sparing words. ...
Epilepsy drugs trigger risk of fractures and falls: study
New research has shed light on the high risk of fractures, falls, and osteoporosis among epilepsy patients using antiepileptic drugs with most patients unaware of the risks associated ...
Purine rich foods quintuple risk of gout flare-ups
Foods rich in purines, particularly those found in meat and seafood, quintuple the immediate risk of a gout flare-up, according to a research published online in the Annals of the ...
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