Optometry & Ophthalmology Feature Articles

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Getting a good night's sleep a challenge for astronauts
If you've ever struggled to get a good night's sleep, spare a thought for astronauts.
About time: the NDIS is an idea whose time has come
The strong swell of public support for people with disabilities, their families and carers, and those who work in the disability services sector has resulted in bipartisan backing ...
Education needed to address concerns about opioid misuse
ABC's Insight on Tuesday night queried the practice and regulation of opioid use in pain management, Australians need pain relief, but is there a line between managed pain and addicts? ...
Neuroscience doctorate to 'Dark Knight' mass murderer
James Eagen Holmes came from a well-tended San Diego enclave of two-storey homes with red-tiled roofs, where neighbours recall him as a clean-cut, studious young man of sparing words. ...
Unforeseen effects: carbon tax and the optical sector
Australia's largest optical groups are uncertain of the effect the Australian carbon tax will have on the optical sector.
Goji berries could fight diabetic blindness
The ancient Tibetan goji berry could help fight blindness caused by long-term diabetes according to studies conducted by University of Sydney researchers.
New way to protect eyes from strong light damage
Treating eyes with gentle infra-red light can help prevent the damage caused by subsequent exposure to bright light, new scientific research has found.
How your eyes deceive you...
People rely on their eyes for most things they do – yet the information provided by our visual sensing system is often distorted, unreliable and subject to illusion.
Study reveals how anaesthesia causes jet-lag
Researchers from The University of Auckland have discovered why people feel as though they have jet-lag after surgery, and the findings may have implications for post-operative ...
Can a common stomach bug eradication make aspirin safer?
Researchers have launched a major clinical trial to investigate whether eliminating a common stomach bug could help to make taking aspirin safer in some patients.
Simple tips to preserve your eyesight
According to Vision Australia, nearly 300,000 Australians are blind or vision impaired, and this figure is expected to rise to 421,600 by 2021 as more baby boomers reach retirement ...
Self-inflicted blinding not linked to Oedipus complex
The self-inflicted removal of one or both eyes, which has traditionally been attributed to sexual guilt, is, in fact, caused by untreated psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, ...
Tell the doctor about your alternative pain relief medicines: NPS
NPS issued a media release late last year supporting the TGA’s decision to cancel four prescription pain relief medicines containing dextropropoxyphene from 1 March 2012.
Counterfeits and undeclared ingredients of online drugs
The risks associated with self-medication have been amplified by the ability to buy prescription, non prescription and complementary medicines as well as 'recreational' drugs online, ...
Autism can be diagnosed as early as 6 months: study
Measuring how a baby’s brain reacts to shifts in eye contact might help predict the development of autism symptoms from as young as six months, a new study has found.
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 provide the safest care
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 years provide the safest care compared with their younger or older colleagues, finds a study published on bmj.com.
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
Sunglasses not a priority for Australian drivers: optometrists
Safety is taking a back seat for Australian drivers, with more than 60 per cent of people risking accidents by driving without sunglasses on glary days according to a new national ...
Energy-saving fluoros could increase eye disease
The global trend towards using fluorescent globes instead of incandescent ones as a strategy to beat climate change could be increasing eye disease, according to new research by ...
Australians blind to sunglasses UV rating: Survey
Sixty-two per cent of Australian adults are unsure if their sunglasses provide 100 per cent UV blockage, according to a new national survey by Optometrists Association Australia ...
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