Dental Care & Oral Surgery Feature Articles

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10 minimum standards for medical forms
The AMA has developed a guide outlining 10 minimum standards that should apply to forms that medical practitioners are asked to complete by organisations such as Centrelink, the ...
Australian dental, special medical services among thriving SMEs
Size matters – and in business, scale matters. Scale often brings lower overheads and reduces the cost of production, which allows firms to improve their profit margins and expand ...
Budget cuts to Health Flexible Funds threaten vital services
A coalition of eleven peak organisations from the health and community sectors is calling on the Australian Government to scrap plans to cut nearly $200 million in funding to key ...
New resource provides expectant mothers with vital dental health info
Assistant Minister for Health Jai Rowell recently launched a new video resource aimed at providing women with practical advice on maintaining good dental health during pregnancy.
Health leaders unite for think tank on federal reform
More than 100 health leaders, including Federal Health Minister the Hon Sussan Ley MP, will converge on Old Parliament House in Canberra next week (16 March) for the Australian ...
Stem cells from pulled teeth 'might yield a cure' for blindness
Recent research aimed at finding a treatment for a common form of blindness could give new meaning to the term 'eye teeth'.
Crown jewel - is digital dentistry the next big thing?
Dentistry has come a long way since its earliest history back in 7000BC of Indus Valley Civilisation treating tooth-related problems. Today, cutting edge digital technology is ...
Consult across the sector on Medicare, health minister urged
The federal government is not learning from mistakes of the past with its continued "narrow consultation" on Medicare reforms, health lobby groups have said.
Grants scheme draws more dentists to the bush
Rural communities throughout the nation should have more than a good reason to smile thanks to a grants scheme attracting private dentists to work in country areas.
'Annual fee' model an answer to govt's Medicare woes
The government is struggling to sell its Medicare co-payment reform because its sole emphasis is on cost control, when it should also be about supporting quality and equity, according ...
Autopsy of a dead policy: what now for Medicare?
The government has backed down from its plan to cut Medicare rebates to doctors – which was to start on January 19 – after several days of public pressure.
Dutton 'worst health minister in living memory': poll
What a way to end one's ministerial term. Former Health Minister Peter Dutton has been ranked the worst health minister in living memory in a survey conducted by Australian Doctor ...
Offshore medical device testing 'will reduce red tape'
Outsourcing medical device safety testing to overseas regulators will reduce red tape for the domestic sector, according to the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA).
Great expectations: 'naïve optimism' about medical care
"It might do me some good and it won’t hurt to give it a go." How often have you heard a phrase like this?
Health system "inefficiencies" addressed in govt white paper
Which level of government should really be responsible for the funding, policy, regulation and delivery of services in the health sector in Australia?
Filling the gaps in Australia's dental health system
The Australian smile is an instant indicator of socio-economic status, employability and self-esteem. It's also a predictor of physical health.
Dentists campaign for right to use Botox cosmetically
The dentist's chair has always been about teeth whitening, receiving a filling, and – of course – the dreaded wisdom teeth extraction. So how would you feel about getting your crow's ...
Mixed response to Coalition's co-payment backflip
PM Tony Abbott has dismissed the dumping of the $7 GP co-payment plan in favour of an exclusive $5 one as a policy backdown, telling reporters it was about making the system "work". ...
National dental care services threatened by funding uncertainty
Public dental services and patients across the country remain in the dark about ongoing access to funding through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
Dentists urged: help prevent misuse of antibiotics
To coincide with Antibiotics Awareness Week (17–23 November), the Australian Dental Association (ADA) has warned about the overuse of antibiotics to treat common complaints such as ...
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