Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Australian cancer prevalence exceeds 1 million: Cancer Council
The number of Australians living with cancer or having survived a diagnosis has exceeded 1 million for the first time[1], highlighting a change in how we should manage the disease, ...
NSW achieves record organ donor rate in 2015
NSW recorded its highest ever number of deceased organ donors in 2015, Health Minister Jillian Skinner announced on 3 February 2016.
How to buy the right resuscitation equipment for your needs
Resuscitation equipment plays an important role in emergency healthcare and has the potential to provide life-saving aid to patients. It is clear that buying the right resuscitation ...
Public hospital funding cuts to have dire consequences: AMA
The AMA's latest snapshot of the performance of Australia’s public hospitals points to an imminent crisis as the effects of Federal funding cuts make it harder for hospitals to meet ...
Tips for Buying Oxygen Therapy Devices
Oxygen therapy is an important consideration in the management of many health conditions for its role in the prevention of hypoxia.
Record number of intern doctors in NSW hospitals
A record cohort of medical graduates have commenced their year-long internship in NSW hospitals on 18 January 2016.
Govt to invest over $1b to cure Hepatitis C
The Turnbull Government will invest more-than $1 billion to give all Australians with Hepatitis C access to breakthrough cures that could all but eradicate the deadly and debilitating ...
Discount PBS prescriptions now in effect
1st January 2016 marks the start of landmark competition reforms in the medicines sector, whereby pharmacists are able to discount the cost of a prescription subsidised through the ...
6 Tips for Buying the Right X-ray Machines
If you need to buy an X-ray machine for your medical practice, there are a few things you should know.
Fair Work Ombudsman focuses on health care & social assistance
Australia's growing health care and social assistance industry is to be the focus of a new national campaign by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
Report highlights areas with most preventable hospitalisations
People living in some areas in Australia are nine times more likely than others to be admitted to hospital for a condition that could have been more effectively treated in the ...
Medicinal cannabis to be cultivated through national scheme
Australia will create a nationally-consistent licensing scheme regulating the controlled cultivation of cannabis for medicinal or scientific purposes that will streamline the process ...
How to select the right trolleys for your hospital
In a hospital setting, having access to the right trolleys can make a significant difference to the ease of transportation around the hospital and the quality of care you can provide ...
More Australians hospitalised for musculoskeletal conditions
More Australians are being hospitalised from arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions, according to new information released on 3 December 2015 by the ...
Medicare Safety Net changes on hold: a win for patients
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has welcomed the Government’s pause of the Medicare Safety Net threshold change as a win for patients, who would have ...
Things to consider when buying medical practice furniture
The furniture in your medical practice plays an important role in the overall care that you provide to patients.
National Audit highlights safer surgical health care practices
The 6th National Report of the Australian and New Zealand Audits of Surgical Mortality (ANZASM) was released on 27 November 2015 by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), ...
Reform needed to reduce salt intake for Australians
Health experts are calling for governments, food manufacturers and public health bodies to work together to reformulate food and improve food labelling to reduce salt intake and save ...
Australia signs new health cooperation agreements with China
Australia has signed agreements with China last week, refreshing the framework for technical cooperation between the two countries on health issues, including communicable disease ...
"Good" mozzie virus might hold key to fighting disease
Australian scientists have discovered a new virus carried by one of the country's most common pest mosquitoes.
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