Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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SA early detection of cancer is saving lives
New data released recently has shown that the mortality rate from some of South Australia’s most common cancers, including colon, lung and prostate cancer, is declining.
Draconian PIP requirements another hit to general practice
AMA Vice President, Dr Tony Bartone, said recently that tough new changes to the Practice Incentive Program (PIP) Digital Health Incentive requirements could leave many individual ...
Medical trials that failed miserably
At Industracom we tend to focus on positive topics and insights to advance industry and help your business grow.
More admissions and surgeries at NSW hospitals
NSW hospitals are admitting more patients and performing more elective surgeries than ever before, according to the latest Bureau of Health Information (BHI) report.
Investing in rural doctor training pays off for rural communities
The AMA has intensified its call for increased Federal Government investment in rural training opportunities for doctors amid mounting evidence that it would improve access to health ...
New evidence showing increased patient out of pocket costs: RACGP
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has re-activated and re-energized its campaign against the Federal Government’s Medicare rebate freeze with new evidence showing ...
MBS Review an opportunity for pharmacists in collaborative care
Expanding innovative models of evidence-based, interprofessional health care and better utilising the role of highly-trained pharmacists will improve patient outcomes and ease the ...
4 Innovations Helping to Provide Better Health Care
The healthcare industry has a massive daily responsibility to manage the lives of entire communities and see them through all manner of health-related crises.
Poll shows 76% Aussies want increased funding for preventive health
The Roy Morgan Research poll conducted for Research Australia shows 76% Australians rank investment into preventive health among the top ten priorities for the Australian Government. ...
GP support key to success of Health Care Homes
Welcoming the announcement of the 10 Primary Health Network Regions to conduct the Government’s trial of the Government’s Health Care Homes initiative, AMA President, Dr Michael ...
Doctor workforce increasingly specialised: AIHW report
The last decade has seen a shift toward a medical workforce with more specialist roles, according to a report that explores the characteristics of medical practitioners, released 24 ...
Sleep apnea treatment improves wellbeing, no cardiovascular benefit
The largest sleep study ever undertaken has found that the leading therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), does not reduce recurrent ...
Queensland Health moves to notify cardiac patients about bacteria
The Department of Health will begin contacting public patients who have undergone certain types of open-heart surgery, particularly heart valve replacement, and may have been exposed ...
Protect vulnerable people as flu cases rise: NSW Health
NSW Health is urging people with flu symptoms to stay away from aged care facilities and vulnerable groups following a spike in influenza presentations to emergency departments and ...
RACGP calls for urgent action to support health of Australia’s youth
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males are experiencing the highest rate of youth suicide in the world and health outcomes for all young Australians - particularly the disadvantaged ...
Medical Board consults on revalidation in Australia
Strengthened continuing professional development and screening for at-risk doctors should underpin future approaches to revalidation in Australia, according to an expert report to ...
Navigating the human genome with Sequins
Australian genomics researchers have announced the development of Sequins – synthetic ‘mirror’ DNA sequences that reflect the human genome.
1 in 6 Australians have chronic back problems
An estimated 3.7 million Australians had chronic back problems in 2014–15, according to a report released 16 August 2016 by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare (AIHW).
Medicinal cannabis one step closer for Victorian patients
Victorian patients are one step closer to accessing medicinal cannabis with the Andrews Labor Government’s horticultural trial entering its second phase and a new Independent Medical ...
Burden of Disease Study: poor diet higher than previously thought
The Australian Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2011- summary report was released on 5 August 2016 by the Australian Institute of Health ...
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